Wow, my bad! Then I retract my reaction a little bit in that case. I still worry it's not going to be a completely unrelated representation of Leon, but I'll chill out about the being hung over as that's my ignorance I played RE2 before I was even a teenager and reading manuals was definitely not something I would have done ... if it even came with the second hand copy I would have had. This is a detail I'd completely missed, even though I thought I was pretty good on Resi lore... RE4 was my first resi game I played to death though.Alright, so you're right and wrong, in the original RE2 he's only late to work as he's hung over because his girlfriend broke up with him. I think it was in the og playing manual, but you're right about him being mostly innocent and clean cut. I prefer how remake handled his characterization honestly, but the movie Leon is basically the worst aspects of Kevin Ryman without any of the redeeming factors.
A drunk cop that ND's into a partner is not somebody who stays on the force.
......which ones exactly?Apparently the director is a big fan of the games, especially the remakes.
Does anyone know where to find an appropriate stabo harness fro the RE3 Jill? I would be extremely grateful for any directions.
Looks good to me! I'm trying to kitbash the GC Jill look so lemme see if that's on eBay. Thanks so much for the recommendation!
No problem.Looks good to me! I'm trying to kitbash the GC Jill look so lemme see if that's on eBay. Thanks so much for the recommendation!
You're better off, I don't buy anything if it's not close enough to what I want. That's just way too far off the mark for Chris and it doesn't even come with his webgear or undershirt.View attachment 537437
As an RE fan, I really didn't wanna do this.
But man, I am sick and tired! of paying over $200 (cad) for figures that don't even come close to looking like their in-game versions.
I'm hoping MT will step up and go back and redo that head sculpt.
This sounds like a dumpster fire on every conceivable level.