Resident Evil Customs Thread

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Man, to me this is one of the worst looking figures I've seen recently. I'm not sure I could find one nice thing to say about it lol
Love passive-aggressiveness is RE community. Lol Like someone is forcing y'all to buy him. šŸ¤£ There are lot of ppl who are excited, including me, so I don't see a reason for negativity. Usually when I don't like something I just move on. :ted
Love passive-aggressiveness is RE community. Lol Like someone is forcing y'all to buy him. šŸ¤£ There are lot of ppl who are excited, including me, so I don't see a reason for negativity. Usually when I don't like something I just move on. :ted

What do you call this?

In which ERA are we in? :tap
I personally have few of Hot Hearts figures and sure the quality isn't great as the others third party company but it was the only company to produce a figure with the outfit i wanted plus i got it under $100 so it a win.
Its just frustrating when people settle for and support subpar figures, because these companies will realise they donā€™t have to try because certain people will still buy them šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø
I'm sure RE4 Leon gonna end up with a few third party releases, just like the girls. I'm not familiar with HotHeart and don't own anything they have produced in the past, but few ppl who own their stuff said quality is fine. Not greatest, not horrible either. If you hate this one as much, I'd say wait to the MT one, I have a feel that one might be the best one. Idk why they are so late tho.
We have companies like SooSoo, LimToys and GameToys out there producing high quality third party figures for great prices. I don't expect 10/10 but sorry, I'm not spending my money on figures that are subpar just for the sake of having a character on the shelf. I rather have nothing than have a half baked ****** overpriced figure on display. To each their own.
I'm sure RE4 Leon gonna end up with a few third party releases, just like the girls. I'm not familiar with HotHeart and don't own anything they have produced in the past, but few ppl who own their stuff said quality is fine. Not greatest, not horrible either. If you hate this one as much, I'd say wait to the MT one, I have a feel that one might be the best one. Idk why they are so late tho.
That's what I'm thinking. I'd be surprised if no else ends up making the guy. My guess is SW will be coming out with one eventually, and who knows who else?
There's a lot of $$$ to be made off RE4:R, and I'm sure a few of these companies will capitalize on it while it's still hot.
As for the HH Leon, he's ok, probably one of the better ones we'll get. Just wish they could have taken the time to at least get his gear/clothing right. lol
But at least the sculpt is decent. Either way, I'll wait a bit and see what else pops up from the other companies first.
The jacket is the worst part to me, looks worse than the HT version from like 100 years ago.


They shouldve gone with something like this, thin, waxed leather, maybe tone down on the wax a bit more than this though


Vintage Schott B-3 jacket for reference

The HotHeart one looks like it was bought from Shein
I really wanna get my hands on the ZCToys STARS Chris, is this the one with the "STRAS" on the back of the flak vest?
I really wanna get my hands on the ZCToys STARS Chris, is this the one with the "STRAS" on the back of the flak vest?
It is indeed the STRAS one, but good luck: as with every STARS character, they're now unicorn droppings.

I managed to find mine with religious daily searches on eBay; it was preowned, but the owner had modded him a bit with Hot Toys parts - such as vest, pads and even the head, with the originals still included. I paid about Ā£190 which was excellent value for the figure and the quality extra bits and bobs. Also within the country, so postage wasn't much and it arrived quickly. I could tell it came from somebody interested in the subject matter which was comforting.

The problem is nobody tends to want to sell these things. They're rare because people want them and if they do have them, won't part with them!

The STARS members - and even just their uniforms - are a goldmine that hasn't been properly tapped into.
Its just frustrating when people settle for and support subpar figures, because these companies will realise they donā€™t have to try because certain people will still buy them šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø
Personally I wouldn't be so certain. SWToys' re-release of Rebecca Chambers but in her red DLC outfit was a massive flop; quality was bad, accessories non-existent, head oversized. They're still everywhere because nobody - even those who missed out on the initial figure - wants them.
It is indeed the STRAS one, but good luck: as with every STARS character, they're now unicorn droppings.

I managed to find mine with religious daily searches on eBay; it was preowned, but the owner had modded him a bit with Hot Toys parts - such as vest, pads and even the head, with the originals still included. I paid about Ā£190 which was excellent value for the figure and the quality extra bits and bobs. Also within the country, so postage wasn't much and it arrived quickly. I could tell it came from somebody interested in the subject matter which was comforting.

The problem is nobody tends to want to sell these things. They're rare because people want them and if they do have them, won't part with them!

The STARS members - and even just their uniforms - are a goldmine that hasn't been properly tapped into.

You struck gold šŸ˜…. There's one on eBay right now for over $600, id never be able to bring myself to spend that on a 3rd party figure, maybe one day ill find one on FB or something. Was already able to recoup most of what I spent to get Wesker from selling my upgraded BvS Batman luckily.

I plan on potentially getting that Jill that Frank Jaeger is putting together, just depends on the price, Chris would be all I need.
Its just frustrating when people settle for and support subpar figures, because these companies will realise they donā€™t have to try because certain people will still buy them šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø
Most re fans dont care. How would game companies sell their ultra limited editions if people expect good quality statues or figures? They dont care they just want a representation in object. Only doll collectors and fans would care so much about accuracy which maybe contribute to 10% of the sales for such figure?
At the end of the day, it's your decision if it's worth it for your collection. Nobody knows your setup or quality for standard some ppl are saying.

I'd take ppl comments with a grail of salt, if you like it, buy it, not because some randomer says its bad.
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Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again, but itā€™s ******* criminal that there isnā€™t just a slew of third party releases of the STARS teams from the REmake. Itā€™s almost disgraceful at this point. šŸ˜‚

I could maybe forgive the lack of zombies, even though we do have a few options now, but there really needs to be a new Jill, Chris, and Wesker. And donā€™t forget about Barry, Rebecca, Brad Vickers, Richard Aiken and Zombie Forest Speyer. And it is probably on a few peopleā€™s grail list to own a dead Kenneth Sullivan and first encounter Zombie from the REmake.
Hahaha... reading some comments lately... Since when does this thread become a bunch of critics and hate, i thought its a custom thread.... hehehehe.. joke aside Video games not to mention Resident Evil is not a popular market thats why only some company make it, not alot people talking and wanting on video games figures on 1/6 groups especially RE beside here... and the reason why this thread is still alive because most of us just like the thread title, CUSTOMIZE it/ Kitbash it/ Create it or whatever u call it...

Sadly that is the truth wether u like it or not.. For those of u that are NEW in this RE Line 1/6 figure u should know the only official company in RE product were HT backthen and a bit more pricely Damtoys lately... And u can't compare all the third party quality (SW, Hot Heart, Superduck, elses) with third party such as limited figure by limtoys or cctoys or MTtoys or even bigger company like toys era and soosootoys... these third party is much smaller and below their quality and always is... and sadly thats the only company that interested in making RE line alive especially SW and Hotheart... sooooooo just CUSTOM it if u want perfect or more accurate just like this thread title.. thats why this thread exist and keep alive right? ......

And for the throwback my first and oldddddd custom when the first Jill announce from HotToys...


Stay Calm and Cool Headed guys... :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again, but itā€™s ******* criminal that there isnā€™t just a slew of third party releases of the STARS teams from the REmake. Itā€™s almost disgraceful at this point. šŸ˜‚

I could maybe forgive the lack of zombies, even though we do have a few options now, but there really needs to be a new Jill, Chris, and Wesker. And donā€™t forget about Barry, Rebecca, Brad Vickers, Richard Aiken and Zombie Forest Speyer. And it is probably on a few peopleā€™s grail list to own a dead Kenneth Sullivan and first encounter Zombie from the REmake.

Wholeheartedly agree....I've wondered in the past if it was because manufacturers perhaps wanted to wait until the future of a Re-Remake RE1 was decided upon - assuming they would redesign / update characters like they did RE2R and RE3R.