Resident Evil Customs Thread

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I don’t mind discussing a current release but when it’s the same topic aka what body or which Ada sculpt is best is like…. :horse we’ve talked about it from different joint bodies to seamless ones.

I suppose when 5 Adas have released in the last 6 months its to be expected lol.

We are starved of new RE figures
I get it, but I gave up on it after Damtoys disappeared. Instead I've been upgrading my older customs and characters, much to the chagrin of one member in here (lol cry about it).
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does anyone have any body recommendations for the master toys 018 "ada again" figure set? Trying to take advantage of the 2nd sculpt and clothes. Thanks in advance...
Head back a few pages and you'll find all the info you need and then some. Plenty of photos too.