Resident Evil Customs Thread

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That face is worse than the hair. We really have 2 companies right now making 2 RE4 Ada and 2 Ashley but not a single Leon.

Really hope he's next in line.

The hair itself is pretty nice but the paint is awful. I don't mind the sculpt, I think its a bit closer than MTs even. but the clothes are terrible. Seems to be yet another figure you'll have to buy different versions of to Frankenstein the perfect one together.

MT is the only one out of these companies I see making Leon, Super duck doesn't do male figures from what I can remember.
I am conflicted by this! What’s there is really good… it’s just unfinished, feels like something happened during production and they decided to release it as is. Outfit only needs a couple of adjustments and the weapons are all wrong. If this was 1/6 I’d be all in since it would be an easy fix but might be too much work for 1/12.
Oh no! SD gave her the Cindy/Cidney treatment with that sparkling gold hair. But the hair and face sculpt are just about perfect.
I’ll get the Ashley SD version for sure. Was going to opt for MT if it was the only one. But SD just looks better.

Still on the fence which Ada to pick. I’ve had good experiences with MT in the past but the new Ada just looks a bit off…
I’m only sticking with the MMTToys since we barely see any breakdowns on eBay or any U.S.A. retailers carrying MT. SD products are really good since they only offer kits so you can use any body, especially if you’re into the over sexualized figures/customs. They’re clothing can work on any bodies unlike many standard 3rd company figure with tight clothing that are hassle to use on most tbleague bodies without making the figure look like they’re wearing a smaller size. The only thing with SD is the lack of accessories or inaccurate gear…. I’m looking at you at RE3R Jill. Anyway, let’s see if swtoys is making an Ashley. Surprised how quite Hot Heart has been… their last RE figure was remake Jill which they got lazy and reused the same tube top and skirt from their first Jill set.
With MT revising the sculpt it’s starting to get tempting to get theirs… I have liked their past work a lot. Still no idea wtf happened to Ada. Hope they’re revising her as well
SuperDuck Ashley is up on OSK for 95$ Idk Idk, while I like it, I trust MT more as I have their figures and they all look amazing.

I hope next week it's begging of the LEON ERA and we gonna get 5775356 different Leon figures at once :monkey3 #Manifestation
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