Resident Evil Customs Thread

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Flat paintjob lets a decent sculpt down again. I think they even improved the likeness a little since promo.
It looks so weird. The hair piece looks too big for her face in the final? Like her face was shrunk down or something.
View attachment 706017
Yikes.. It's completely different
It literally took me a couple seconds as I was searching to realize it was her in the thumbnails of those videos.
I actually thought it was a new Jill or something until I saw the outfit. πŸ˜‚
Well, I suppose we got a very expensive Death island outfit out of this one if nothing else.

I just don't get what happened to her sculpt. And that hair. wtf?!
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It literally took me a couple seconds as I was searching to realize it was her in the thumbnails of those videos.
I actually thought it was a new Jill or something until I saw the outfit. πŸ˜‚
Well, I suppose we got a very expensive Death island outfit out if this one if nothing else.

I just don't get what happened to her sculpt. And that hair. wtf?!
This makes me sad because I've a few of swtoys figures on PO. The prototype to final product on this Jill took at least a 90% dip in quality lol...
It looks so weird. The hair piece looks too big for her face in the final? Like her face was shrunk down or something.
It's insanely misleading too.
Think from now on I won't be paying in full for any SW product in the future until I've seen the final product.
This is some BS. But at the same time to be expected from them I suppose.
I stopped buying SWToys after seeing that Rose and Ethan. The headsculpts look so low quality. Glad I didnt get this. Also the headsculpt on their latest Ada looks like she’s eating her own poop.

I was so surprised how well this Ada figure was received in reviews and in the community. People defend their headsculpts by calling them β€œanime-ish”. But no theyre not anime, theyre just downright BAD. This does not look like Ada at all.

This makes me sad because I've a few of swtoys figures on PO. The prototype to final product on this Jill took at least a 90% dip in quality lol...
After seeing niek's side by side comparison, it might be closer to 150%. πŸ˜‚
Looks like a completely different figure now.

I feel like SW's slogan should be "Our toys are like a box of chocolates. Ya never know what yer gonna get!"
I wouldn't even say the sculpt looks good, the hair looks disproportionate to her head
SW always does that with their sculpts. They're either undersized or way to friggin big for the bodies they use.
SW's Jill sculpts have always been undersized. And yet their latest Rebecca figure sculpt is almost too big even for the largest TBL body.
I wouldn't even say the sculpt looks good, the hair looks disproportionate to her head
If you take her face in isolation. I think the sculpt underneath looks pretty good. But that hair is way too big for her head. They probably couldnt figure out a way to make her rotating eyes work with a normal sized hairsculpt or something
SW just keeps pumping figures out one after the other without giving them much thought at all. Undersized, oversized accessories/parts. They dont seem to care. All their figures feel like a first draft that somehow made it to production.
jil 2l.png

Used the promo image as reference for a quick photoshop. I scaled her face up by 10-15% and made the hair a little bit wider. I think it improves the proportions drastically.
SW just keeps pumping figures out one after the other without giving them much thought at all. Undersized, oversized accessories/parts. They dont seem to care. All their figures feel like a first draft that somehow made it to production.
Yeah, they're only good for kitbashing, I have their Lara 3.0, ok figure but I'm getting the PT Studios headsculpt.
Yeah, they're only good for kitbashing, I have their Lara 3.0, ok figure but I'm getting the PT Studios headsculpt.
I contemplated doing that too but the vest is totally inaccurate, the boots are underscaled and look like theyre made for a barbie. Bow is underscaled. Radio is underscaled. The figure is too much of a mess to use. I’d rather go full on custom at that point. The pants are nice though πŸ˜… only part of that figure I dont have issues with.
I contemplated doing that too but the vest is totally inaccurate, the boots are underscaled and look like theyre made for a barbie. Bow is underscaled. Radio is underscaled. The figure is too much of a mess to use. I’d rather go full on custom at that point. The pants are nice though πŸ˜… only part of that figure I dont have issues with.
Lol, yeah it's not perfect but I was quite desperate for a Lara at one point.
I contemplated doing that too but the vest is totally inaccurate, the boots are underscaled and look like theyre made for a barbie. Bow is underscaled. Radio is underscaled. The figure is too much of a mess to use. I’d rather go full on custom at that point. The pants are nice though πŸ˜… only part of that figure I dont have issues with.
That Lara is a mess. I've tried my darnedest getting the 3.0 to look halfway decent and accurate, but it's been a losing battle. πŸ˜‚
Thats why I call SW's stuff toys, I don't think they deserve to be called collectibles anymore.