OT Preferist
I'll grant you that point Ill
But only slightly... had there been energon TF would have been the clear winner.

I agree with you on that, Energon should've been the focus of the Decepticons.I'll grant you that point IllBut only slightly... had there been energon TF would have been the clear winner.
I still just think that the makers of the movies forgot that Resident Evil is a survival horror genre game, not a retarded action movie.
F@#kin' stupid ass studio execs man:emperor, ruined what could have been one of the greatest zombie flicks ever!!...I actually heard that George Romero wrote a script based on the first game with the mansion and STARS, but it was rejected. That would have been amazing...
Hell yeah, Chris running around looking for clair and vice versa, in a dark deserted town full of zombies and mutant creatures woould have ruled!!You guys mentioned Silent Hill, and that tone would have matched Resident Evil perfectly...