Well I decided to Give RE6 another go. After finishing the Leon campaign a year ago and feeling nothing but disappointment, I've just finished the Chris section.
This game is awful.
Doesn't feel like resident evil at all, 5 was fun, this game has no enjoyment what so ever.
The running and gunning is terrible, I found it best to simply sprint from one section to the next and just bypass as many enemies as I could. I found no incentive to stick around and fight.
The controls are so counter intuitive, the inventory menu sucks and what the hell is with the skill points system??? I'm 2/3 through the game and have no idea how this works yet!!
What else is wrong with this game?? Lets see, The cut scenes every 2mins, characters I couldn't care less for (Piers- generic army guy lol who cares about him??)
The gameplay is bad, basically you need to die 5 times before you figure out what the hell you are meant to be doing. I'm not looking forward to starting Jakes mission, can it possibly get worse than Chris'??
I really hope 7 is a complete turn around and can fix the franchise.