Super Freak
Voth Jill stalemates new Claire.
BUT! What if it's RE5 era blond Voth Jill vs. new Claire?
New Claire takes Jill's queen. Voth Jill forever ruined by RE5.
Voth Jill stalemates new Claire.
Voth is a beauty for sure, but I prefer women to have innies rather than outties.
Well they have the online store thing for 3DS. Does the possibility for downloadable characters exist? It'd be great if I could use all of my walking coins I've collected to buy them, but I'd think they'd charge for more characters.
I was thinking about that. It's possible I guess.
Voth is a beauty for sure, but I prefer women to have innies rather than outties.
I do hope Leon is in there somewhere or will be made available as dlc because it's really silly to include Krauser and not Leon. Come on now, Capcom. Srsly?