Originally i opted to defend Leon as he is eye candy in the RPD outfit. (And i die a few times but i got a trophy for died trying so i didnt mind). Speaking of Leon it did annoy me when you start chasing him down in the RPD station level and every time you get close to him he is like " stop shooting!!" and i was like whaaaaaaaa.. ive not fired a single bullet at him. I had no intention to.
Capcom might have glitched that one.
Yeah, it's easier to defend him rather then execute him. It will take a little while to execute him but fun.
His weapons cause decent amounts of damage, so take cover and sniper him from a distance.
When you execute him, you achieve The Loyalist Trophy.
At the same time (In Theory) there would not be RE4.
The graphics of the game are great. And i love the animations. I especially love throwing a grenade into a crowd of 15 zombies. The constant fighting with spec ops is annoying though. They are way too tough. I very rarely died whilst confronting them but the reason i did die was because id be fed up of hiding behind a wall letting loose 2 clips into 1 persons chest and them still be standing. So i would get bored of the whole battle i was in and run up try to hack them with a knife then initiate the special kill (which only seems to work about 50% of the time with spec ops, you go up slash them then by the time you have pressed x and it doesnt work they combo slash you back)
Yes, Spec Ops are terribly annoying.
You can opt for a machine gun / assault rifle with a high accuracy and pick'em off with head shots. Or blast them with a shot gun.
Throw a grenade at them to break'em up a bit then start firing at them while they're down.
Also take cover and knock'em off with the pistol as the accuracy is very good for head shots.
The game is tedious, so make sure you are right in front of them to perform a CQC kill.
The fight with the 2 T003's is the worst part of the game i think. Its just needless. For one it takes far too long to take 1 of them down let alone 2.
I played this level again last night and got owned multiple times.
Now I figured out, you have to keep your distance / reload asap / use the run and dodge moves / revive your team members asap to help out with the fire power in battle / have Bertha on your team as she it the Medic of the Wolf Pack.
Watch out where you move to, don't get cornered in, if you do and have 2 Tyrants hammering you, you're farked!
Keep a look out for both of them in-case the jump / leap towards you, run in the open areas and circle around them and aim for the head shots.