There is a lot of hardcore RE fans out there. They'll buy anything RE. Trust me!
And those people also loved RE6
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Are we getting a re7 at e3 you heard anything?
Bring back Jim and his random cries of terror when NOTHING IS HAPPENING!
It had tombs and temples...
And it had a shark...
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He always died though... His ability was useless.
Yoko an him were the weakest.
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She was such a annoying butterface.
Are we getting a re7 at e3 you heard anything?
The bigger question is , do we even want a seven so soon. It's a damn shame that resident evil is being schooled by games it inspired like the last of us and dead space.
I want a reboot screw the 7th game.
It doesn't matter how long they work, on it it's going to be **** if that same team is there who worked on Re6.
Capcom ruined its own series and it's characters. Good job Capcom. I'm surprised you guy haven't gone bankrupt or been bought by another company.
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