Resident Evil: Retribution

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Your still stuck on somthing that happened years agao huh. You mad bro. Get off that dude its over. the ____ is wrong with you.
Hahaha. Dude you fail at being argumentative. But you succeed at being a troll.

You know why? Because you're attacking the people insted of the movies.

Anyhooooo....I wish Paul would go back to RE 1 for how to make the movie. I think he should get away from being a Zack Snyder/Michael Bay hybrid thing. If he just made the action stylized, but not over the top, it would be more enjoyable.
ATTACKING THE PEOPLE. When the hell have I done that ? you just like to start fight's. I am Attacking the movie's are you just that blind. When Have I said you people suck for liking the movie. Dont twist stuff around dude. And If you got anything else to say please Private messgae me so I dont spam this thread. You fail at making sense.

Edit. if your talking about movie tards thng that was not in anyway to be rude. im a fanboy gametard. i say it proudly. Learn your facts before you go into somthing.
Hahaha. Dude you fail at being argumentative. But you succeed at being a troll.

You know why? Because you're attacking the people insted of the movies.

Anyhooooo....I wish Paul would go back to RE 1 for how to make the movie. I think he should get away from being a Zack Snyder/Michael Bay hybrid thing. If he just made the action stylized, but not over the top, it would be more enjoyable.

:exactly::clap he tries to start "arguments" about how much the movies suck and how he's a "fan"/loves the series yet he doesn't know much about the games just the basic 101 stuff that every RE noobs knows. Lol And... When true FANS have to correct him about how wrong he is. I seriously don't care if he likes the movies or not, but not I just think he's a troll. Which he needs to find another thread.
I just hope this is the conclusion to alice's story. Maybe in the next one we can have leon as the main character. I know the alicetards are gonna be mad but Leon would be an awesome main character. But then again what is what they do. The world is destroyed I wonder who they would fight if wesker were to die.

and I will keep saying it til congress passes a bill that makes Paul ws anderson quit making game movie's. its only a matter of time before alice is the main character in a video game and IF that day ever comes so help me I will destroy everyone involved with the character(excluding milla cuz she's a hottie) and capcom. It will rain fire that day.:) jk

This is a joke so movie tards please dont cry over this.

If that's not insulting...:lol
:exactly::clap he tries to start "arguments" about how much the movies suck and how he's a "fan"/loves the series yet he doesn't know much about the games just the basic 101 stuff that every RE noobs knows. Lol And... When true FANS have to correct him about how wrong he is. I seriously don't care if he likes the movies or not, but not I just think he's a troll. Which he needs to find another thread.

See, I probably hate the movies as much as he does....but I dont have a reason to attack you for it. :dunno

I am mildly curious about the new one because I liked the first, and the second was alright. And if they make it entertaining, then i'd see it.
Yes, you do... Every post someone makes you have to reply with some negative smart -a_ _ reply.
ATTACKING THE PEOPLE. When the hell have I done that ? you just like to start fight's. I am Attacking the movie's are you just that blind. When Have I said you people suck for liking the movie. Dont twist stuff around dude. And If you got anything else to say please Private messgae me so I dont spam this thread. You fail at making sense.

Edit. if your talking about movie tards thng that was not in anyway to be rude. im a fanboy gametard. i say it proudly. Learn your facts before you go into somthing.

Well, being called a tard is not a good thing. You think Twitard, or Avatard is a good name to have? No. It means, Twilight Retard.

So you're a Fanboy Game Retard right? A mentally challanged game fanboy. Alrighty.
Thats a phrase for people who are fans of alice. Im a fantard of Resident evil ? I'm piecetard for one piece.narutard. Etc. I look at it as being a huge fan not an insult. Its not an insult its if your a fan of the series. Like I said get your fact straight before you ever call me names again.

And if you got a problem with me then Private messgae me so we can sort things out becuase you obviously dont like me for whatever reason.
Because you say things that are just....wrong.

Im not being PC here, but a tard is not a good thing to be.
:exactly::clap he tries to start "arguments" about how much the movies suck and how he's a "fan"/loves the series yet he doesn't know much about the games just the basic 101 stuff that every RE noobs knows. Lol And... When true FANS have to correct him about how wrong he is. I seriously don't care if he likes the movies or not, but not I just think he's a troll. Which he needs to find another thread.

alrright fine i'm sorry about it then. Like i said before I dont want to be rude I'll leave . I 'm just stating an opnion but it seems that its always taken in a negative way.Dude dont go there. I know about the games way more than you. I dont even consider you a fan of RE so please dont spout crap like I'm not a real fan. I beat every RE game and have the books.
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Because you say it in such an incredibly rude way. You're allowed to have it. And this thread isn't made for fans only. But don't insult the fans. Keep it movie only.
Well, being called a tard is not a good thing. You think Twitard, or Avatard is a good name to have? No. It means, Twilight Retard.

So you're a Fanboy Game Retard right? A mentally challanged game fanboy. Alrighty.

I dont look at it that way. I think fanboy is bad I always thought Tard was a playful yet stupid way of saying your a huge fan Of the series.
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Because you say it in such an incredibly rude way. You're allowed to have it. And this thread isn't made for fans only. But don't insult the fans. Keep it movie only.

Im not insulting the fan's. Whenever i say somthing bad about the movie's that Project A kid gets so upset and starts calling me a troll. Just becuase I dont like Alice but its like dude i'm a resident evil fan aswell who are you to tell me that i'm wrong. I'm sorry that I say it all the time but still. Its kinda like what happened on the hype boards you remember. There was always this one guy who took offence and started saying it was trolling. When i say tards I'm revering to mostly him cuz he's the main one who gets upset about me picking on alice i try hard not to offend HIm so that tard thing was mostly toward him. I mean I'm not saying the movies suck I'm just poking fun at the character.

Anyway I'm sorry movie dudes.
So am I. I've been a fan of her for years. I only like UltraViolet because of her. And by like I mean it's a huge piece of ____ that I find somewhat entertaining because of Milla's action scenes. :D