Did you play all of the way through Mario? Not just the first 8 worlds?
No, 8 worlds and 8 specials afterwards. Its just so linear and repetative. I seriously regret buying my 3DS, theres nothing out, ill pick up revalations though.
i wanted to get Snake Eater 3DS, but then, I bought the HD pack for the PS3, so I dont need to buy it on 3DS, which was one of the games I intended to buy.
but, otherwise, theres only resident evil and Layton on 3DS this year. I look on GAME, and theres no releases that interest me.
Paper mario, will be the same thing as it was 20 years ago or whatever, Mario at the olympics will the be same rehash of the beijing olympics, mario tennis will be the same thing that was on gamecube, and the wii. I enjoyed luigi's mansion on Gamecube 10 years ago, but im not interested in playing that now. Pac-man party? I mean, really? im not paying £40 for pacman when you can play it free online. Theres some wappy-japanese RPG games, not interested.
Funky barn and fantasy petz and bestfriendscats and dogs 3D? No, im not 8. Ben 10 is sort of out of my age range, Tekken has been terrible since Tekken 3. Bought street fighter and sold it after a day, got bored of it.
Theres just no original, interest IP's on the 3DS. Its all rehashes of mario, crappy Cartoon network racers and kids games. It NEEDS something fresh. I mean, it'd be ace to have some Crash Bandicoot back, would be mint in 3D and would be something new and fresh.
I mean, How could they justify the 4th release of Snake Eater just for 3D? The HD pack was £30 in Grainger games, and that was upscaled and came with MGS2, but also with Peace walker which ive never played. thats 3 games, whereas the 3DS game is just the subsistance release with nothing upgraded or anything.
revalations will be a must buy on Day 1 for me, because its fresh, its new, its not a rehash that doesnt add anything. I mean, I play with my 3DS without the 3D because it hurts my eyes, so i dont go for the gimmicky games. Tried 3D for mario land, and it didnt do anything for me. Kid Icarus doesnt do anything for me.
Id love a stand alone Silent hill on the 3DS, like Origins was on the PSP. A new story, an actual game that doesnt take a few hours to complete and has no replay value. I want a story to delve into.
My DSlite catalogue was full of Professor Layton, RE Dead Silence, both dementium games which i thoroughly enjoyed, a single pokemon game, and Create and Race. Never kept any mario games because they were boring and repetative. You can only jump on so many goomba's and goto so many castles before you say 'screw you peach, let bowser rape you, im outta here'.
I mean, id love a Dead Space on the 3DS, give me some story driven games. uncharted looks ace on the Vita, but again, theres no catalogue to interest me.
I mean, yesterday i sold Street fighter, Mercenaries, Rayman and Ridge racer and Zelda, because I finished them, and there was nothing to them and I only bought them just so i could use my 3DS for something other than an ornament on the shelf. Im sick of nintendo's 'new' mario games being copy and pastes of previous games. Its beyond a joke now.