Last Friday, Sony Pictures Entertainment and Capcom Japan held the first Biohazard Festival in Tokyo. Guests included Biohazard Revelations producer Tsukasa Takenaka and Sienna Guillory.
One of the panels featured Tsukasa demonstrating Biohazard Revelations: Unveiled Edition to the public. The demo covered the entire part where Jill has to get the key away from Rachel.
Regarding the new enemy to be introduced in this version, Tsukasa said that there are no 'safety-zones' in the game - meaning that players can expect to face it just about anywhere on board the ship. On the same note, he explained that enemy placement has been changed from the original to give veterans of the 3DS game something to look forward to.
Other changes include the use of a crosshair pointer as one of the aiming options and, apparently, the introduction of health pills as seen in Resident Evil 6.