How far are you? Its pretty effing hard the further you get in to it! I think im on stage 17 of trench mode (and theres an abyss mode) and its super tough!I find raid more fun and easy .
How far are you? Its pretty effing hard the further you get in to it! I think im on stage 17 of trench mode (and theres an abyss mode) and its super tough!
Stop playing with yourself.
Sent from Umbrella Corporation HQ using Tapatalk
Nah, im just playing with... myself ;(
Ive did probably 16 of the first 19 levels of chasm an S rank (no done ghost ship yet) and im on 16/17 or something of Trench doing S ranks
Im using a Python, Remington & some Machine gun. All 3 weapons have damage +2, load+5 and then various bits and pieces
Just tried that auto-burst add-on. I put it on my Magnum, which is a powerful magnum with damage +2 added. Man it eats through anything. It only took 3 bursts against the Tyrant and a spin kick to kill him.
We did the beach level on trench and i got 17 of the 19 kills. Then we did Terragrigia escape on trench and i cant remember the kill count but id got like 85% of them
Mad Banquet on Trench is reallllly tough. 3 tough wall blisters in a row, 2 super HP'd chainsaw guys who i havent been able to drop one of despite pumping all my guns, grenades in to them along with charged melee attacks. I assume Norman is after them but if i do get to him ill have no ammo. Im level 29 1/2 and it makes you feel like a rookie
I have a shotgun which is nearly 1000 in power equipped with damage +2 & full burst. Python which is 9000 in power with damage +2 & long ammo clip 5 or whatever. Machine gun is really powerful too. Ive even got the 4th upgrade for body armor and other such things! Makes no difference yet.
I land 1 magnum shot to each wall blister then finish the last of their hp with the machine gun. And then every single magnum, shotgun, machine and grenade & melee attack i can pump in to the chainsaw guys and i run out of ammo. Ill need to harvest some more XP to level up some more.
Having said that, on 2 player it would probably take 5 minutes to finish the level.
Ive took a break from Raid mode. Im half way in to the abyss levels and all the level up items are like 200,000 each now and the higher guns take you a good 4 raid mode levels to gain the bp to afford them. Everything is moving slowww at this point.
So i started Infernal mode. Im on to Episode 7 now. Its not as hard as i thought it would be, Its still more intense and ive died a heap but at the same time ive got charge shot on my shotgun and as long as you have time to actually charge the shot then most enemies go down