Super Freak
If i "try" to do the dodge move i end up flat on my arse because its so hard to predict their hit ptterns as its so random but where as if i spaz about with the analogue stick i end up having better luck. However when i knife attack enemies if you circle around them and always keep on their back they cant seem to workout what to do to stop you, and every time they try a wild swing it always dodges because you always have to press up, to the sides and back in quick succession to get the turn
Yeah, after playing the game for a while, you will get use to how the enemies attack like.
Infernal mode completed! The fight with Norman is super tough. Died like 10 times so its took me 3 sessions of rage quitting but i got him right when my back was against the wall and my screen was glowing red and i only had a few shotgun shells left.
Infinite rocket launcher for campaign use received!

Is this game canon to the series?
I believed Revelations happens after RE4 and before RE5