I don't understand why people keep saying this game is the closest to the original RE series.
I mean the only thing similar is that you need to run around places back & forth to get key items to proceed, that is the only thing similar to the originals.
1) Chris & Jill main characters
2) limited item space. You can carry 3 guns tops, and 5 herbs. Imagine thats 8 slots in your inventory. Ammo doesnt count because you have your own seperate pouches for that and still they limit the amount you can carry so you cant horde it.
3) No gun firing enemies
4) The game taking place in 1 main area with lots of back tracking and door opening as you get keys is a BIG part of being original.
5) The virus is a T variant
6) The end boss is a Tyrant
7) Near the end of the game as Jills story you have to fight against a timer to escape then finish off a big monster.
8) The ships surroundings in the crew quarters are very Re 1 mansions, and the lab is like every old school lab (except for the big red pool).
9) Actual puzzles ( all be it easy )
10) Areas have their own specific music.
11) All though the game is "episodes" you can backtrack navigate your entire way around the ship as Jill and not have to worry about previous areas being cut off due to a level design. Its semi-open world like the old RE was.
12) Hunters are back, and can 1 hit decapitate you!
13) a kind of item box system for your guns
I cannot even be bothered typing more.
I dont know how you can say RE6 was more like the originals. That **** with the linear levels, machine gun fights with zombies, jet flying, snow mobile riding with a Motorbike you fall from 400ft with and still land on the wheels and carry on driving. QTE events up the ***. How is 6 closer to the originals than revelations? Thats complete and utter nonsense.