Rick O’Connell Premium Format Figure – The Mummy

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I doubt Sideshow will comment officially, probably a blurb in their Q&A like they did with LOTR 12" or Highlander. BTW, Dusty is no longer with Sideshow so while she'll probably still be involved Travis is still there, I doubt she'll be talking much about the innerworkings of SSC.

since when?
Well sad for us because she was awesome in every sense of the word for Sideshow but very happy for her own personal circumstances I believe.
Yep, sorry, that is what I meant. Sad for the Freaks community. Sometimes I edit my posts so heavily when I'm on the iPhone typing them they come off quite crass. I really enjoyed chatting with Dusty this past Spooktacular even though I could never win one of those FB contests.

Damn Rosario! :gah:
good grief. man i'm ripped dusty ain't with SS no more.

How did they allow someone like Dusty get away? :(

Hope the Sasquatch doesn't get the same treatment as poor old Rick.

But did we discern that it was because SS lost the Universal license?