Shipping this to Europe is sure to cost a lot![]()
And importtax + customs. If the ex is a print I'm buying a reg from a EU retailer.
I have no idea of price point. I would guess somewhere around Big Chap maquette or more.
It could fall under LSF status just because of sheer total size like the 1/4 Wolf Pred did.
Wonder if they will put it under LSF and charge $2,000.
Besides the Trooper on Speederbike, I believe the Ringwraith on Steed and Sauron will be two of the largest premium formats so far. You already have a huge Nazgul on top of a very large horse and then you have Sauron who everyone knows is pretty much a giant. I know they'll be super expensive so if they are released too close together then I'll only be able to choose one even they are BOTH my most wanted.
I know there's been speculation either way -- PF vs. LSF -- but has Sideshow actually used the full official name of this piece anywhere yet?
I know they name-checked Sauron in their LSF announcement, so he's pretty much certain to be in that format. But have they actually publically called the RWoS a PF?
The only place I've seen the "official" name even glimpsed is in the drill-down title menu under the Production Peek video ... but the title is cut off before it gets to the part where "Premium Format" would/should/might be.All you can see is "Production Peek: Dark Rider of Mordor - Ringw" before it cuts off.
Has anybody seen the title anywhere else?
I thought it was confirmed as a pf![]()
So the Ringwraith and Steed will indeed be a Premium Format, but I think the price point will still be close to the $800.00 mark considering the speeder bike in the star wars line.
Its amazing that SS has found us willing to pay more for these collectibles since 2007 and the end of the good times. Maybe they bank on escapism.
And how many die-hard fans bought the Speeder Bike PF? As much as I can appreciate this, the owning of the RWOS doesn't make me want to fork out that much money for a PF . . .
If they drop the ES to 100 . . .then it'll make it hard to say no.