Premium Format Ringwraith on Steed PF..

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Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

Overall to me his pose seems awkward in person. This is the Morgul Lord PF btw Some others on the board seem to like it, so I guess it's a matter of preference. He does look ok from certain directions but not great. To me they were trying to deviate from an iconic pose and think outside the box and it didn't work. Hopefully, you'll like it. I think aside from the pose he's well done. jmho.

In what part of the movie is the pose from? I think it's the pose where he was about to have the steed, stomp on one of the hobbits?

I guess we'll see the full reveal on Tuesday.
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

In what part of the movie is the pose from? I think it's the pose where he was about to have the steed, stomp on one of the hobbits?

Remember, they don't always pull their poses straight from the movies; they modify it a bit, "artistic intepretation" I think is what SS likes to say.
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

If you're expecting under $1000 than I think you're going to be unpleasantly surprised. The picture is a bit confusing for me, as this is more a vertical piece than horizontal, but it may have changed since I saw it. Either way - it's a 1/4 scale HORSE - that's a big thing - and I wouldn't be surprised if they classify this as a Legendary Scale Figure, even though it's only 1/4 scale.
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

If you're expecting under $1000 than I think you're going to be unpleasantly surprised. The picture is a bit confusing for me, as this is more a vertical piece than horizontal, but it may have changed since I saw it. Either way - it's a 1/4 scale HORSE - that's a big thing - and I wouldn't be surprised if they classify this as a Legendary Scale Figure, even though it's only 1/4 scale.

The sneak peak photo has premium format figure under the title. I do agree that well most likely see $1000+ for this.
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

I think between $ 799 and $ 899 considering most people don't have that spare money left anymore during those crisis.:gah::thud::slap
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

In what part of the movie is the pose from? I think it's the pose where he was about to have the steed, stomp on one of the hobbits?

I guess we'll see the full reveal on Tuesday.

Not sure about the RWOS, I think gotta wait for the full reveal. As long as they don't move from an iconic pose to some awkward pose like for the Morgul Lord PF or a boring pose (Sauron talking a walk) it should be good.
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

Well, if Weta was able to keep Rivendell at $499, I don't see any reason why the cost of manufacturing this bigger premium format should jack the price beyond $1000.

I would think that it would be a whole lot more labour intensive to sculpt the rivendell master copy for the manufacturing molds than to produce a statue of a big horse and a rider that is 80% covered in cloth.

And, rivendell was reportedly made by the Weta model making team who are professional model makers for big budget movie productions. It is safe to assume that their workshop hourly rates will far exceed any sculptor that sideshow is using.

If you're expecting under $1000 than I think you're going to be unpleasantly surprised. The picture is a bit confusing for me, as this is more a vertical piece than horizontal, but it may have changed since I saw it. Either way - it's a 1/4 scale HORSE - that's a big thing - and I wouldn't be surprised if they classify this as a Legendary Scale Figure, even though it's only 1/4 scale.
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

If SS thought like you we would not have had wolf enter the LSF category.

This is already labeled as a pf, so no worries on the LSF label. I think the ES will end up being 500-750 cause this will be pretty close to that 1k range I think, and will take awhile to sell out.
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

Yeah, if the price is 1k the ES has to be much smaller since thats no small chunk of change.
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

optimus prime maquette was 1200 dollars, this is a lot bigger but alot less details especially on the witch king.
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

anyone heared what the exclusive for this will be? i hope its not just an art print... maybe switchable hands with another blade or something
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

An earlier image had shown the RW holding a sword so it might be a change out hand.
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

They say this statue is going to be huge in size that is any speculations on how tall it's going to be from base!
Re: Ringwraith on Steed PF

An earlier image had shown the RW holding a sword so it might be a change out hand.

the sword is regualr version i think, does the ringwraith have any other weapons, if so then i hope its another weapon or another pose like his reaching out to grab the hobbit like in the movie