Witch King might seem twisted and messed up, but most people who actually have it, said that in-hand it is not an issue at all. I would never let mine go. As for the RWoS, I can't wait to see how they have that horse sitting on the base. If it's just with the legs, I'd be worried that in time it would crack, lean, and break![]()
I have it and the pose still seems off to me.Too bad, there was a lot of potential there.
Can't wait for the full reveal of RWOS! : )
Well, I have a Sideshow ex Ringwraith on Pre-order and even though I am seeing bad reviews on him he can't be that bad? Judging from the pictures he looks amazing. Is this just an issue where he looks kinda weird if posed in a certain direction?
Either way I am not cancelling my Ringwraith order I am really looking forward to receiving him even though it will be a while.
The one you have on pre-order isn't out yet, so there are no true reviews. The "twisted" Ringwraith being referenced is the Witch King Premium Format; an awkward pose mashed on to a small base makes the statue look off to me.
I hope that this statue will be at a premium format price as in below 1000 buckaroos not that ridiculous 2,000 price.
It is a premium format, so it should be below $1000; how much below remains to be seen.
Pre-order is the 31st.
Gives us some time to make up our minds...should anyone need it.
oh holy ____ttt you mean 31st this month or june?? im skint as a tramp ryt about now..![]()
this month...as in next thursday
Well, I have a Sideshow ex Ringwraith on Pre-order and even though I am seeing bad reviews on him he can't be that bad? Judging from the pictures he looks amazing. Is this just an issue where he looks kinda weird if posed in a certain direction?
Either way I am not cancelling my Ringwraith order I am really looking forward to receiving him even though it will be a while.
Probably $799.99.
that's what the top of cupboards are for