The Predators themselves were distinctly different and their appearance was designed with their hunting techniques in mind. One Predator, called the Falconer, uses a mechanical bird-like device (very H.R. Giger in appearance) to track game from above; another, dubbed Mr. Black, is very sleek looking, wears a dark costume and is basically the most bad-ass of the bunch; and then, of course, the classic Predator from the original film. There were a few others not directly addressed by Rodriguez, Antal and Nicotero but were shown as concept art, which included this hornet/bird creature, a feminine Predator and an Aqua-Predator, which resembled the Creature From The Black Lagoon and had a fin on its head. It was explained that the Predators are basically divided into two tribes: one is comprised of the traditional Predators, while the other is made up of the sleeker variety (was said to be like comparing dogs to wolves).