Robocop (2014)

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Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

I'll definitely watch it and happily declare it crap if it is to be so without that impacting my continued enjoyment of the original.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

It will affect me, because if people like it, then it's a failure. I don't want people to like bad remakes. That's a bad thing. A very, very, very bad thing.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

, because if people like it, then it's a failure..

Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

I know of people who like the ANOS remake over the original. That should be a federal crime.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Unless you like watching a movie about a creepy ****. Which that remake was.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Wasn't Freddy an angry mob murdered **** in the original movie?


I basically turn my mind off when watching horror movies. Some people love the genre and all the classics but to me they're mostly the same.

However the originals and remakes seem to be the best, not the sequels.

Though Jason takes Manhatten is a guilty pleasure of mine :lol
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Freddy was a chils killer first, and a possible child molestor.

but in the remake he was only a molestor. which took the fear away, and made the repeated one liners innappropriate.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Did you mean RoboCop 1, 2 & 3?

Bob died in the first one. :lol

No you've misread my post :slap

Bob Morton (Miguel Ferrer) from RoboCop and Dr. Lazarus (Patricia Charboneau RC2, *****k knows who played her in RC3) in RoboCop 2 & 3 are combined so i'm told into a Dr. Robert Norton played by Gary Oldman.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Freddy was a chils killer first, and a possible child molestor.

but in the remake he was only a molestor. which took the fear away, and made the repeated one liners innappropriate.

Who are you? Original Freddy's PA? :lol
He was blatantly a child molester first and a killer second :lecture
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Who are you? Original Freddy's PA? :lol
He was blatantly a child molester first and a killer second :lecture

Yes. He was both In the original and the reboot. Me thinks sombody was too young to see the original when it came out and just automatically holds older movies that he wasn't even old enough to enjoy in high regard. One thing I will never understand, is why someone who wasn't even alive for the original films or had a connection to them growing up could be so against reboots. The people who should hate reboots are those that lived and experienced the originals when they came out not kids watching reruns on the fear network

Case in point. My dad loves 3:10 to Yuma and hated the remake. I liked the remake because I was never as attached to the original since it was before my time.