Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Saw it yesterday. I really liked it. Yeah the first 15-30 mins are a bit slow and I thought Forrest Whitaker's character was just odd, but then again I never got into the clone wars and EU stuff that much. On the whole I walked away liking this one FAR better out of the gate than I did this time last year with TFA. My personal ranking of the films is:

A New Hope
Rogue One
Return of the Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
Force Awakens
Phantom Menace
Attack of Clones

I will go see Rogue One again more than likely sometime this week. Didn't feel need to see it in 3D or Imax. Comparing this to TFA, I think JJ Abrams was too concerned with trying to match the original feel and essence of the Lucas based stuff, here with Rogue One there was no cutsey furry creatures or Jar Jar like characters to muddle the story with kid-oriented fodder. I didn't think that there were too many and numerous hat tips with Rogue one. yeah there were a few but mostly visual things in the background.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Saw it yesterday. I really liked it. Yeah the first 15-30 mins are a bit slow and I thought Forrest Whitaker's character was just odd, but then again I never got into the clone wars and EU stuff that much. On the whole I walked away liking this one FAR better out of the gate than I did this time last year with TFA. My personal ranking of the films is:

A New Hope
Rogue One
Return of the Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
Force Awakens
Phantom Menace
Attack of Clones

I will go see Rogue One again more than likely sometime this week. Didn't feel need to see it in 3D or Imax. Comparing this to TFA, I think JJ Abrams was too concerned with trying to match the original feel and essence of the Lucas based stuff, here with Rogue One there was no cutsey furry creatures or Jar Jar like characters to muddle the story with kid-oriented fodder. I didn't think that there were too many and numerous hat tips with Rogue one. yeah there were a few but mostly visual things in the background.
That's pretty much exactly my ranking, but I would move ROTJ a bit down the ladder.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Sorry if this is late and has already been answered, but I have been skimming through the discussions about timelines and character ages.

Jyn tells the Rebel Alliance leaders that she hasn’t seen her father in about 15 years. That means that the scenes of her as a child watching her mother get shot by the Death Troopers and her father get taken by Krennic take place at 15 BBY; 15 years before A New Hope and 4 years after Revenge of the Sith. So, the plot hole that someone raised about the Empire starting to build the Death Star before Revenge of the Sith is incorrect. They started building it at some point in the 4 years between Revenge of the Sith (19 BBY) and the young Jyn scenes in Rogue One (15 BBY).

Given this timeline, and other material, we know that the various character ages are;

Hang on.. that doesn't make sense.. There is a gap of 19 years between Sith and New Hope.
Jyn didn't see her father for 15 years, at which point he went off to finish the death star.
Yet she has a memory of a party (with Krennic and her family where they were already working together).
So when was that? When she was 2? She had to have been born before the end of Sith? And they had to have begun building the Death Star before the end of Sith.

What age is young Jyn in RO? 4? :lol
And what age is older Jyn in RO? 19? :lol
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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Hang on..
What age is young Jyn in RO?
And what age is older Jyn in RO?

Not sure, but based purely on appearance I would guess Jyn is about 6 years old in the young Jyn scenes, and therefore Jyn is 21 for the rest of the film.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Not sure, but based purely on appearance I would guess Jyn is about 6 years old in the young Jyn scenes, and therefore Jyn is 21 for the rest of the film.

I'd put 7 or 8 on her at least, but lets play along with 6, that still means she was born two years before the end of Sith.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Hang on.. that doesn't make sense.. There is a gap of 19 years between Sith and New Hope.
Jon didn't see her father for 15 years, at which point he went off to finish the death star.
Yet she has a memory of a party (with Krennic and her family where they were already working together).
So when was that? When she was 2?

What age is young Jyn in RO? 4? :lol
And what age is older Jyn in RO? 19? :lol

I'm not sure why you think that Jyn Erso was born during Revenge of the Sith, has this been confirmed anywhere?

We know that Galen Erso had already started working on projects with the Empire prior to the young Jyn scenes, because Galen and Krennic refer to their prior working relationship and the flashback scenes. However, we don't know how long ago this was. We only know that it must have been at some point between ROTS and the young Jyn scenes in RO.

It is perfectly reasonable to assume that Galen Erso started working with the Empire after ROTS (19 BBY), then left the Imperial projects team after a certain time period, and then Krennic came to find him after that during the young Jyn scenes of RO (15 BBY). That whole sequence of events could have easily happened within a 4 year period.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

I'd put 7 or 8 on her at least, but lets play along with 6, that still means she was born two years before the end of Sith.

Ok fair enough, but why is her age tied to ROTS?

I have just checked online, and her birth is put at 22 BBY, meaning that she was 7 years old in the young Jyn scenes, and 22 years old throughout the rest of the film. This means she was born 3 years before ROTS (19 BBY).
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Was it ever explained anywhere why Vader never cloned his body and did a brain transplant?
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

The Death Star began construction c.20 years before Yavin.

Galen didn't design the Death Star though, did he? He was responsible for getting the super laser working.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

So if she were born 3 years before ROTS then that flashback to the party had to of happened during ROTS and her father was a member of the military before the empire took over.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

I have looked up some details from "Catalyst", the prequel novel to Rogue One.

Not really a spoiler, as I think this information can be found in the synopsis on the back of the book, but...

The Republic is considering plans for a moon-sized battle station before the fall of the Republic and the formation of the Galactic Empire. So, during the Clone Wars, the Republic is already planning something that would later become the Death Star before the end of ROTS. This explains why we see the early stages of the Death Star at the end of ROTS, and also gives an extra 1 or 2 years of time for Galen Erso to be working with the Republic pre ROTS, before it reforms into the Galactic Empire.

It could be the formation of the Empire and/or the realisation of the station's true purpose which prompts him to leave.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

So if she were born 3 years before ROTS then that flashback to the party had to of happened during ROTS and her father was a member of the military before the empire took over.

Not necessarily, it could have been a few months or maybe even 1 or 2 years into the Empire's reign. That gives us 2 years from that flashback party scene to the young Jyn scenes where Krennic comes for Galen.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

So just like with TFA it all comes down to if the good in RO is better than the good in ROTJ.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

3 x already lol

Where is your review, i'm waiting.

The funny part is what bugs me about TFA isn't Rey, I actually think her awakening scene is pretty bad ass to be honest with you.

But RO delivers the "STAR WARS" part much better than TFA.
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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

This was better than prequels and episode 7. I rate it 8/10. This had best movie ending ever Im serieous. Im upset that this place doesn`t allow spoilers even though its out weird.
EDIT: looks like there is spoiler thread nice.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I love the ending to this. Almost had me in tears, and chewblacca ain't no girly man!
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

While I did find the cgi for Tarken rather noticeable, I'm glad they included the character and did it in this fashion rather than trying to find a look-alike. Leia at the end was rather jarring. It was like we suddenly jumped into a video game. I found JEJ performance a little off compared to how he voiced Vader in the OT, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but to me it was noticeable. I found the end battle kind of odd that the Star Destroyers seemed like no match to a few fighters and a Corvette. Also, wouldn't the working Destroyer have shields strong enough to help prevent the other destroyer from smashing it to pieces? That seemed odd.

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