For anyone wanting to make an accurate purple cost joker, i thought this might help. It's everything you need, including image assets and figure parts. All parts can be found on cheap knockoff versions of the OG figures.

Repaint of the Batman Begins suit? It looks nothing like the Arkham Asylum suit save for the key details that every Batman costume has...I'd love to see someone attempt a black and grey repaint of that figure when it eventually releases. It's so close to the Arkham Asylum suit!
I'd try it myself but no point in paying £50 to prove something I already know... I have zero artistic talent. Ha!
A hot toys 1/12 figure sounds interesting. Thanks anyway [emoji2]
Thanks for that! It's a pretty interesting figure but I have to say mafex did it better. Would love to see hot toys really give 1/12 a try thoughHey I know you asked a while back but I was just now able to get someone to send me some pics of it and pass it on to you.