Yeah lol, unlike my pall who spoiled gohan's ssj2 moment for me. But at least we kinda saw that coming.
We need his taller version god damnit. Everyone should have a Trunks. I don't care which version, but I need another Trunks and we need his tall long haired version.
Like, come one Tamashii, a rerelease of trunks or a new version (or both

), we need it, top priority. Him and a ssj vegeta rerelease or just majin vegeta. Those two should be released after 16. Along with a manga gohan rerelease. Don't see an argument priority wise for anything else before that. They're staples of this show's fanbase.
2015: 16, Tall Trunks, Majin Vegeta, and Kid Buu + a manga Gohan rerelease.
^ Needs to happen. People can buy the majin vegeta twice and put his ssj head on the bootleg body. With this line up, they'll nail it. Vegito can wait till 2016. Or maybe something is to be fixed with an sdcc exclusive regarding either vegeta or vegito.