Super Freak
Prolly be me, as I've been buying mine direct from China since Krillin.
Looks like 17 will be shipping tomorrow from Amazon!
3? Holy crap lol He does look amazing. I can't wait for him to be released. I would like to get 17 and Piccolo before he's released but after that I probably won't get any others till after I get Broly. I got in normal Goku recently and thanks to Crisis a body for normal Vegeta. Still waiting on my Datong Saiyan Saga Vegeta.
Prolly be me, as I've been buying mine direct from China since Krillin.
Yeah. I'm devoting an entire shelf to Broly. Or at least the majority of it. One against Vegeta, one against Goku, and then one powering up. I figure I would have to use the whole shelf because of how gigantic he is. Which Piccolo? SDCC or Manga? Yeah, I just bought another Datong Super Saiyan Vegeta just to use the body for a normal Vegeta. I should have bought two since the prices went up about $10.
I'm going with the rerelease. The SDCC one is pretty high. I just want a piccolo for the collection. Not really picky. And there's a seller on ebay selling 17 and Piccolo together. Not much more than if I bought them separately but this way I'd get them both at the same time
I wish there was a way for them to release a giant ki blast, but I don't think it's feasable. It would have to be extremely lightweight & thin, but enough detail where it still resembles a powerful death ball. The ones we got thus far are pretty tiny. They're good, but personally I'd love to recreate something like this somehow
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maybe not as massive as these, but something bigger than the ones we have & what Broly's gonna come with; something really intimidating, like almost the size of the figure itself
Seriously, how awesome would a display like this look coupled with the Tamashii impact & explosion effects?
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I've thought about that recently too as I thought about making a spirit bomb. I've been looking at foam balls and just painting it. Using like a wire or something to keep it suspended in the air. Could use the same thing for Friezas huge death ball just a different color. The kamehameha I haven't worked out yet.
Android 17 is shipping for Amazon. I'm excited! Damn...I need more stands.
I remember taking an art class or something when I was younger about using foam. There was this material that would create a plastic like cover to the foam ball. I can't remember what exactly is was but it looked amazing and might be something you want to look into to really get that effect look.
I'll definitely look into that. May be the only solution as I don't see tamashi making them any bigger. And I would like to have something bigger for Broly if I decide to recreate the final scene from Second Coming. And ya know, wait for them to make Goten and Adult Gohan lol
Of course. It's great having displays that need characters to it. It feels like a puzzle where everything comes in place.
Wow I forgot that was out. I need to find the time for the other Zero releases especially since I just got Vegeta and need Sailor Mercury. Final product looks ok though.i have no knowledge of that =(
but who here has the piccolo zero?