Anyone have datong Vegeta for sale?
I just sold one pretty cheap a couple weeks ago...
I think I've been to that one before actually, interesting!Yes sir! I believe this b&n was in west patterson on rt 46.
How tall was turtles compared to vegeta? I was thinking of this customJust replace the head with Normal Goku's, repaint the armor & voila, S.H. Figuarts Turles has joined the battle!
Cool custom dude. Yeah I'm also considering purchasing another Goku. I customed my first one into his Saiyan Saga outfit
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(already painted the boot lining yellow & the strap red, this is an old pic)
Your best bet is the Facebook page...
Dragon Ball Z S.H.Figuarts USA
Just copy and paste that into Facebook and you'll be set
No offence but you guys don't get it, god goku wont be the sdcc ex beacuse it would be cheap, it won't be that because it's an american convention and god goku is just as interesting to japan as to us. Maybe even more.
It's simple: sdcc exes will be stuff that NOT that interesting to japan. That's pretty much simply the anime.
An anime repaint of reg Goku or Vegito is all I can think of now. If they were up to repaint ssj vegeta, why arlian vegeta last time? Makes no sense to me.
But it wont be something that japan will want too, which means it'll basically have to be beholden to the anime. Think of colours, or fillers. Or Nappa.
Just replace the head with Normal Goku's, repaint the armor & voila, S.H. Figuarts Turles has joined the battle!
guess im odd also cause I dont have one either lolThanks man but I'm odd & don't actually have an account on Facebook
guess im odd also cause I dont have one either lol
How tall was turtles compared to vegeta? I was thinking of this custom
This is cooool, wheres the sash from?
All I know is he better come with at least 1 Stage Act 4 stand, as big as he is. He'll need at least 3 if you ever want him posed in an aerial scene. Every release from now on should include 1 ._.
Also made a Spirit Bomb out of a foam ball. I just have to figure out how to keep it suspended in the air. Won't need to worry about that until I get Frieza though. Also made a couple of temporary diorama pieces. Nothin fancy just something to change it up a little. Will change again though once I get Cell this week.
dunno but he is probably just as tall as Goku. However there's always been height inconsistencies throughout the series, very few times has any character ever been the same exact height more than once
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It's a spare sash from Krillin I conveniently had lol