^Just another case to prove what I've said all this time; with a franchise as big as this, and the mass market demand as big as for this, you need to have the main characters available, nearly at all times, or the the very LEAST state when they will be available.
Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Piccolo should all four always have either an available release, or a scheduled one. And no, zeros don't count. Ultimate Gohan counts, and they can also rerelease manga gohan too, but they really fully need to answer the demand for vegeta. In whatever canon outfit (not an exclusive), but Vegeta and Goku carry DBZ's popularity, I'm sorry, but it's just the way it is here.
SSJ Goku is now very well available, that's good, but 2015 needs to see a proper ssj Vegeta release of any kind, be it a new release, or rerelease, otherwise Tamashiis genuinely making a big mistake imo and creating a massive lot of unhappy fans.