Man, I am so excited for the new movie! If I had a choice to see this over all the 25 superhero movies announced, I'd choose the 25 superhero movies. Hey, I'm not fool! The odds are at least I'd be getting at least a few great movies as good as this one. I'm just kidding, I actually do want to see this more!
The designs are so awesome! I believe it's kind of what Silrian, Philosopher, and I wanted for Goku in a future appearance. Maybe, I'm wrong, but I love it! I think Vegeta's new updated Namek outfit is so neat! It looks like instead of under armor, he's using some padded material.
I can't wait to see Vegeta confront Freeza again after he's grown so much character-wise. There's probably going to be a climatic moment where Vegeta decides to take pity on Freeza, coming full circle!
As for Freeza as a character, I really liked him, but I'm into the Japanese original and the manga. However, I still think Cell was a much better character. Freeza was annoying with his percentages of percentages of percentages of power. Hey, at least Broly lived up to his "uncontrollable power" hype that Paragus gave. Freeza kept said how he didn't change forms, because he couldn't contain his power, but I didn't get the feeling like he was loosing grips. He was always cool and collected. I liked him way more in the manga, since the fight is SO MUCH BETTER being short. That's why the Goku vs Cell fight was so good, because it was tight and paced well with the technique variations. I'm looking forward to seeing what they're going to do with Freeza's character.
I actually think the best Dragon Ball Z villains were Cell, the Android Twins, the blond haired sniper from the Boo arc that I brought up last year. That was the best moment in the Boo Saga, besides the Vegeta stuff. Apparently Funimation gave him the name Van Zant, but he's just unnamed in the original.
I'm stoked!