Same as crisis but mine's bigger (ha!), not really, my box is wider but less deep (...ha!) more cubicles. I have about two-3 releases per cubicle and mix up the colours of the parts so it's easy to find. And one big space for effects. I have a separate small box these days for all stand material (which is quite full because I always end up going back to vanilla poses.

). Some accessories I never use I keep in the packaging.
Nappa voice "Content sold separately." ("God DAMNIT Nappa!")
Ooooh you goody do-gooder you.

No serious that's cool.
Brutal dude! Yeah that's definitely damn near perfectly scaled. How much was it? At night do you suddenly here 'Stop making out with your boyfriend!' now?
Vegeta: "noooo..... no no no.... nononononon fuuuuuuuuu"
Seriously though if they set another precedent people will go bat**** crazy.