I hope this means we're getting another Frieza soon
It says project in progressDoes anyone here read Japanese?!?
I think this would be a perfect time for Tamashii to either increase their releases more frequently or let this be a completely separate line.
yeah, release every month 2 figures and the people who struggle now to keep up will struggle some more
I wouldn't mind them releasing at the rate of Kamen Rider at all. My wallet might hate me but it'll get over it. There's sooo many characters in the Dragonball universe, they might have to release more frequently if they ever plan on having a complete line. I want this line to be as big as Jakks/Irwin lines were.
I hope this means we're getting another Frieza soon
Why are you going to such extremes? 2 releases a quarter would be better than what we have now and still affordable.
Affordability in terms of releases/year is irrelevant. Whether you can pay for your hobby is individual. Some people couldn't pay for 1, in general, others could buy everything released thusfar with a credit card swipe. We're not kids ("Really!?"), Tamashii doesn't have to pay attention to current allowance rates.
However, in yet another interview (we might as well start wikipediaing this ****... I don't know how to pronounce that either) BLUEFIN said they do not wanna exorbitantly focus on one franchise, while decreasing space for others.
I think if we get an equal batch as last year, and this time an actually good sdcc ex, we probably shouldn't complain.
It's likely Bandai/Tamashii has been working on the Revival of F Figuarts stuff for the past couple months. I'm sure the prototypes might be shown around SDCC (unless there's another big Asian Toy event beforehand).
I'm guessing we might see Freiza's new form as the likely first release. With a likely chance at seeing Beerus, Goku and Vegeta. I'd like it if they at least released Frieza in his first form as well.
Honestly, it's about time Tamashii actually smartened up and paired some figure releases with a movie. American toy companies have been doing that for years...strike while the iron is HOT.