For the life of me I don' know why they didn't capitalize on BOG and release God Goku, Beerus, and Whis then. I doubt we're gonna see God Goku again so they might've missed out on a great opportunity (not that it wouldn't sell if it was released in the future).
Seeing as this banner refers to a Revival of F "project", I think we're gonna see quite a good number of figures being released for the movie. Now would be a good time to showcase Beerus and Whis as well as the new Goku and Vegeta outfits and Frieza's new form. First form Frieza would be awesome tooThrow in a Frieza re-release as well and the fans will eat it up. MASSIVE profits to be made if they do this right
Personally, I don't care for God Goku. Weak design. I could live if they never release a Figuarts of him. Beerus would be cool, but I'd prefer characters with more history than him like Frieza in the upcoming movie.
I don't know why Bandai/Tamashii doesn't capitalize alongside other media to help sell their products. Perhaps they have with other lines and we don't "see" it because we're Stateside (or elsewhere in the world), but traditionally this is what toy companies do alongside the multimedia release projects their toys are based on (movies, cartoons, anime, books, comics, etc.). I think Bandai/Tamashii has always been very "tentative" and risk-adverse to the DBZ line. They know it's mega-popular worldwide, but not so much "at home". So they don't want to put all their chips on the table because of the risk.
However, the positive thing is they do seem to slowly...slowly be acknowledging the international popularity of the line (and growing back home) and are focusing some newer attention on DBZ. Better late than never!