Hey guys, new to the DBZ figuarts scene. Should be getting Android 17 and 18 soon. I just have a few questions.
How many figures do they make per run?
Why don't they do more reissues if there's such a big demand for em? (Trunks, Vegeta etc.)
Can anybody tell me if $80 is a good price for 18 at this time or is it too expensive. i found someone that is selling 18 for $80, but i dont know if i should keep looking for a cheaper deal.
Welcome! I think it depends on pre orders for how many they make. They typically make all the pre orders and then some extras to send to the bigger retailers like B&N and Amazon.
They've got this stupid "Web exclusive" policy that's very controversial that prevents them from rereleasing any figures except for SSJ Goku, Piccolo, and Teen Gohan.
Can anybody tell me if $80 is a good price for 18 at this time or is it too expensive. i found someone that is selling 18 for $80, but i dont know if i should keep looking for a cheaper deal.
touching back on the Figuarts Zero who is getting Goku kamehameha and Vegeta galic gun? Im really stoked about these two. I dont collect Figuarts Zero but these two are pretty awesome to pass by
Hey guys, new to the DBZ figuarts scene. Should be getting Android 17 and 18 soon. I just have a few questions.
How many figures do they make per run?
Why don't they do more reissues if there's such a big demand for em? (Trunks, Vegeta etc.)
Looks like I'm pretty late to collecting most of the normal dbz figuarts like scouter vegeta,trunks,ssj vegeta. So looks like Ill be sticking with zeros for most part besides vegito and a few others. Unless I find some crazy deals of any of the figures $150 and under. But not likely.
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I have come to terms with the fact I'll never have trunks, cell, frieza, etc; any figure over $100 is no-go for me.