Fat Hotei:
Nice! What transformation is that?

It's "Villainous Mode 2", a transformation that can so far only be accessed via a program called Cheat Engine (you download a little "cheat table" and you can reassign skills to your character via the cheat program). It doesn't seem to do anything though, more like a cosmetic thing. I wanted my little story character to be an evil human so I thought that transformation suited him best
If there's one thing I don't like about Xenoverse, it's the way it handles giving equipment, skills, and costumes to you. It feels so much like an mmorpg... it reminds me of the endless grind that I had to do in a lot of games just to get items. When I think of Dragonball games, I imagine fun big scale battles where you can do basic unlocking missions to get things or new clothes. Too bad this game, for some odd reason, decided to give it an mmorpg feel when it comes to getting costumes and skills. It's hard to have fun and create your dream Dragonball character when your skillset and costumes are very limited because you weren't lucky enough to receive them as prizes. Thank goodness for pc cheats that can unlock everything in this game right away, now I'm actually able to experiment and have fun with my created characters
I hope the sequel to Xenoverse would abandon the extremely unforgiving random prize system and just stick to basic unlocking requirements like beating missions a certain way or doing something. If I were the game designer though, another way that I'd do to make unlocking items fun is to actually make a separate game mode or world where you can fly around and look for the items yourself. It would feel adventurous like the original Dragonball series where little Goku had to travel around the world in search of the Dragonballs and to help people.
Hmm there's this old SNES/Super Famicom game that I loved called Dragonball Z Legend of the Saiyan. It's an rpg game where you flew around the map and beat up bad guys. I hope something like that can be made again with Dragonball. That old rpg game though used some kind of card fighting system where you picked cards that represented attacks or defense. I don't like that, I still prefer the fighting style of Xenoverse right now lol
If we're gonna unlock stuff, might as well make the process fun and interesting and not something that would cause you to cry lol