S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Mexican exclusive Frieza
I'm ready to call ******** though. Why would they be allowed to release Goku from a different Saga? It just doesn't make sense to me. ****, I would rather they release SDCC Super Saiyan Goku as their Exclusive.

Yeah I mean no offense to Mexico but this seems like a figure that would get a bigger release, considering how popular this version of Goku is.
Yeah I mean no offense to Mexico but this seems like a figure that would get a bigger release, considering how popular this version of Goku is.

It absolutely deserves a web exclusive release. I meant no offense, that's why I said I would rather they have SDCC Super Saiyan Goku as their Exclusive. I don't think I could have said anything better than saying they should be able to get a $500+ action figure for $35. That would be huge for those fans.
It absolutely deserves a web exclusive release. I meant no offense, that's why I said I would rather they have SDCC Super Saiyan Goku as their Exclusive. I don't think I could have said anything better than saying they should be able to get a $500+ action figure for $35. That would be huge for those fans.

Agreed. Namek Goku is an obvious fan favorite internationally. SSJ repaint is a great convention exclusive.
Yeah I mean no offense to Mexico but this seems like a figure that would get a bigger release, considering how popular this version of Goku is.

Well everything points to this is one of the exclusives for the Tamashi Nations convention in Mexico on June 5-6, Tickets will be on sale tomorrow
Oh damn, that better get a wider release; if it doesnt, im not buying another figure. That would just be a bigger slap in the face than the whole Vegeta debacle last year. So sdcc must be a repaint, but some event in Mexico gets bloody NAMEK GOKU? In the words of tfs Frieza; the f#@k?

Worst about it is, thats not fake; every new part on there isnt taken from anything else, they are new, including his chest sculpt
truth be told it's an imperfect figure. Just placing a smaller belt on that Goku wouldn't be sufficient due to the gap between the torso and the belt (and in fact you can see the very bottom of the torso plastic in that promo image, right above the knot in the belt). Most people put on the Krillin belt and left the figure alone but with the smaller belt the gap is immediately visible as soon as it's put into a pose. and...I'm not sure where you're seeing a new chest sculpt, the only new part is the belt. also...we all may be jumping to conclusions, this could very well turn out to be the SDCC exclusive.
It absolutely deserves a web exclusive release. I meant no offense, that's why I said I would rather they have SDCC Super Saiyan Goku as their Exclusive. I don't think I could have said anything better than saying they should be able to get a $500+ action figure for $35. That would be huge for those fans.
I didn't think you did.

That had better be an early "preferential" release for the SDCC exclusive and not some unobtainable separate release. Either way, I'm so ******* happy that we're finally getting a proper anime Goku figure and not some wishy washy Manga rubbish! Put me down for 3 eBay!!!

BTW, that's actually Goku's own symbol not King Kai. He wear's King Kai's on the back of his gi. This is the same gi he wears in the early movie specials against Cooler, my favourite Z villain.
Compare the two Timone; there are different crease molds when comparing the two, and it does seem that the Namek one is thinner though that might be the pose.

I mean, I made a custom Namek Goku, but that doesnt mean I dont want a genuine version.

Also, Namek Gokus gi was his own logo, front and back. He only wore king Kais logo in the fight with Vegeta. He only wore that symbol on Namek, the other was Roshis symbol, either front and back (Raditz) or front with Kai back (Vegeta)
I've compared the two with Orbital's recent image, there's no mistaking it's the same torso. All the folds are in the right places on both the gi and the undershirt. The bottom portion of the torso looks different because you see more of it (the belt is half the size of the obi). this also explains why it might look thinner, the bottom of the torso is fairly thin, the obi gives the illusion it's wider.
Hmm, you are probably right. The colour might have thrown me off a bit too!

Ive calmed down a bit since I first seen it, think I was trying to find ways to justify us getting it!

Who knows, bluefin did say we would really like this years sdcc, so hopefully this is an early peak at it. Can you imagine if they packaged this with a ssgod head and normal belt? Perfect remake! (As swappables I mean [emoji14])
I'm reluctant to get excited for it but I'd be very pleased if this was the SDCC exclusive, regardless of the belt issue. It looks great, the skin is consistent with the original release, it's show accurate, and it seems to have that red gi I've been wanting to see for a while.
truth be told it's an imperfect figure. Just placing a smaller belt on that Goku wouldn't be sufficient due to the gap between the torso and the belt (and in fact you can see the very bottom of the torso plastic in that promo image, right above the knot in the belt). Most people put on the Krillin belt and left the figure alone but with the smaller belt the gap is immediately visible as soon as it's put into a pose. and...I'm not sure where you're seeing a new chest sculpt, the only new part is the belt. also...we all may be jumping to conclusions, this could very well turn out to be the SDCC exclusive.

I don't think they pushed the torso down enough.

I would even argue against this being an SDCC Exclusive. This isn't a repaint of Namek Saga Goku....this IS Namek Saga Goku. Nobody but Tamashii/Japan should release a figure like this otherwise this is going to open the door where convention exclusives can be different version of characters. That is something we DO NOT want. We want the product controlled by retailers, not the after market. We want the product to have a very collector friendly production run, not a smaller one. There's so many potential disadvantages from this release if it's true.

I didn't think you did.

Good, just making sure. :lol
This could be an open window for not recolored versions only (dangerous way IMO because of the "exclusive event" category).
Will see...
