Hmm I kind of want that Mexican Goku, but then again I already have the Normal Goku which looks pretty much the same. If I had more expendable cash I'd try to buy one though, but reality isn't as wonderful as my dreams.
Anyway as a lover of Dragonball ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to have Dragonball toys as good as the Figuarts that we currently have. Unfortunately, for some reason, for a very well loved pop culture icon, the toys aren't easily available. I think these Figuarts Dragonball toys are the types that should be easily available at Toys R Us and other stores, not just via "web exclusive" things. If they want to sell exclusives, why not just make special looks for these characters? Look at Monsterarts Godzilla, one of their SDCC Exclusives was a
"Burning Godzilla" that was translucent orange. Although Godzilla never becomes translucent orange in any of his films, it still looks good!
I just think that characters, especially important ones, are supposed to be readily available to all fans of a globally successful phenomenon like Dragonaball.
I don't remember having trouble finding any of the Ninja Turtles toys back in the 80s and 90s lol

I wish Dragonball toys would be the same, easily acquired to satisfy fans of the series, with enough exclusive items that wouldn't estrange those who cannot afford to buy them or get them somehow.