I actually had to take my own normal goku apart to believe this but you are right and that is my bad. Due to shadow difference in the picture I now see it's misleading. I'm sorry about being fooled by that, thanks for clearing it beyond doubt.
WHY do all the links to the new face picture dont work for me? What expression is it?
I did also mean the torso mould, I fell in the trap Timone just exposed to me. However, it still is a 'new' release, not a simple repaint, even despite the belt. They did half ass it a bit with this belt, but I can understand that and expected no more. The point is, it's a new release because it signifies a different era for the character. That wasn't the case with the sdcc repaints. This simply is a new release.
Exactly. Thanks for backin me Fat.

Guess we needed that humor after my rant.
I've said all there is to be said on my part regarding the info currently. If the new face is a face I really missed with the normal release, well just screw that. Ya'll already know I was disappointed in their main release of normal goku.