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FFS you people! This is a sideshow forum, there literally is a topic for discussing Avengers AoU so fark off and put your two cents there!!!

FFS you people! This is a sideshow forum, there literally is a topic for discussing Avengers AoU so fark off and put your two cents there!!!
Hmmm... I'm being a completist with the DBZ figuarts, including bootlegs, so I have datong Vegeta and just got datong SS3 Goku even though I have the originals on both. SS3 Goku's head is great but the rest is pretty lackluster. I'm not sure though if I feel a desire to get the regular and ss goku datongs. I suppose it's strange that those two are being made at all, since neither figure is particularly hard to get. SS Goku has been released 3 or 4 times and probably will get released again and regular goku's run was huge and while his price has crept up a bit, it's nothing like other figures.
Datong must not have access to the molds for Cell, Frieza and Trunks... that or they are really stupid. I wonder if they will ever try to knock off the sdcc figs.
My guess is that they just poured all those resources into SSJ3 Goku and it's super simple to reuse the body and just put a new head on it. Just like tamashii does!
My guess is that they just poured all those resources into SSJ3 Goku and it's super simple to reuse the body and just put a new head on it. Just like tamashii does!
Hmmm... I'm being a completist with the DBZ figuarts, including bootlegs, so I have datong Vegeta and just got datong SS3 Goku even though I have the originals on both. SS3 Goku's head is great but the rest is pretty lackluster. I'm not sure though if I feel a desire to get the regular and ss goku datongs. I suppose it's strange that those two are being made at all, since neither figure is particularly hard to get. SS Goku has been released 3 or 4 times and probably will get released again and regular goku's run was huge and while his price has crept up a bit, it's nothing like other figures.
Datong must not have access to the molds for Cell, Frieza and Trunks... that or they are really stupid. I wonder if they will ever try to knock off the sdcc figs.
wow, it's really happening. I still can't believe it.
Nope, not a word, which can be good or bad depending on how you look at it; on one hand that could mean that they cant say anything because it IS coming in some way, probably sdcc, but on the other hand they may be choosing not to say it wont to avoid backlash. Im hoping its the first.
True. It all comes down to Feigi. The mcu is his grand design. And he is responsible for Wright leaving Ant Man, a move that nearly made me turn away from the mcu. On that note, I fully expect Ant Man to a steaming pile of Ultron. Phase 2 yay!
And I agree regarding stronger female characters. Dragon ball is misogynistic. I can't help but think this reflects the creator's ideals. Sorry, Toriyama. That's one of the reasons I love Hayao Miyazaki's work; he's always told stories with such well-rounded characters. Creators have a responsibility to challenge dated conventions and break stereotypes. It would be nice to know that Toriyama's writing has matured since the 90s. Maybe now he'll expect a little more from himself and his audience.
Probably not tho.
The humor is AOU was symbolic. It shows how the Avengers have become so close, that they can joke with eachother without it being out-of-line. It shows they are confortable with people.
Hmm I'm curious, I wonder if that Figuarts Hulk would be as big as Broly. I can't wait to get my Figuarts Hulk and make him fight Broly hehehI didn't order the others like Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man since I'm not really a fan of them (but they'd be cool to have if given to me as gifts) lol
FFS you people! This is a sideshow forum, there literally is a topic for discussing Avengers AoU so fark off and put your two cents there!!!
I'm sure people talk about DBZ in other topics across the forum too, so what harm is being done? Once more info is revealed about Figuarts DBZ then the discussion will resume, as it always does. 99% of this topic is nothing but DBZ, a few of us start bringing up other things of interest & people lose their minds, sheesh
I hope they reveal the Figuarts Hulkbuster which will cost an arm and a leg (no pun intended) and also a Figuarts Ultron
So what are the chances that the Avengers Figuarts will become available on Amazon or somewhere other than overpriced aftermarket outlets like evilbay? I totally missed the ship for preorders on those.
I just checked Datong's site and they have pictures of the Datong Normal and Super Saiyan Goku
I think the Datong Normal Goku is suffering from the same zombie arms color as with their SSJ3 Goku version. The color of the face also seems to be different from the arm's skin tone. What do you think?
The Datong Super Saiyan Goku is pretty hard to see since the picture is smaller.
I can't wait to see their Trunks, Cell, Frieza and SDCC Vegeta versions![]()
Ultron had humor because he was essentially programed by Stark. A smartass building a smartass.
Datong must not have access to the molds for Cell, Frieza and Trunks... that or they are really stupid. I wonder if they will ever try to knock off the sdcc figs.
FFS you people! This is a sideshow forum, there literally is a topic for discussing Avengers AoU so fark off and put your two cents there!!!
Its giving me something to talk about other than Bootleg figures. I don't support bootlegs. I don't support people buying bootlegs. Why? You are supporting a company that is making knockoffs of Bandi/Tamashii, Buy the originals. They will all get rereleased at some point. Exclusives or not, a company will never turn down money.
I don't believe Stark's personality had anything do with with Ultron's programming. Ultron was essentially a dormant program that Stark and Banner released. Ultron learned everything about Tony Stark from the internet. The connection wasn't as strongly represented as a Father/Son relationship rather than it was a General/Soldier relationship. Ultron was able to carry out the mission because he didn't have Tony Stark's moral fiber holding him back. The movie was written by Joss Whedon. The humor wasn't a representation of Stark's personality but rather that Ultron was expressing emotion and Whedon loves using comedy to write his characters.
Its giving me something to talk about other than Bootleg figures. I don't support bootlegs. I don't support people buying bootlegs. Why? You are supporting a company that is making knockoffs of Bandi/Tamashii, Buy the originals. They will all get rereleased at some point. Exclusives or not, a company will never turn down money.
It should have been a story about fathers and sons. In fact, it WAS a story about fathers and sons, but nobody told Joss Whedon. I never felt the Frankenstein parallel in this film, which is definitely what this movie is, a Frankenstein story. Stark is the mad doctor, and the mad doctor has to pay for his sins.
Well it's upsetting because Stark's hubris is overflowing at this point. He's basically DEVOLVED into the Vegeta of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He has this extreme self-pride that is blinding him to the point of self destruction. Vegeta met his end at the hands of Frieza and paid for his hubris. I've always considered Vegeta to be "reborn" in the Android Saga because it started the development and path of his acceptance that came full circle in the Buu Saga. I think that's the path that Stark is going to have to take in the Marvel Cinematic Universe otherwise, the more time he goes unpunished, the more his character and viewing attraction is going to deteriorate.
One of the reasons we like Loki is because we saw him become a villain. We saw the how and why; we went on that journey with him and understood him. Ultron was a one-dimensional villain from the get-go.
While witnessing the journey and understanding the character is very powerful, I would argue the point that a villain being introduced from the get-go should be no different than Frieza. (I know you mentioned a one-dimension villain but I wouldn't consider Frieza too far off from that. He was, basically, an evil businessman.) It's all about making the villain credible. Ultron was no where near credible because he never out witted or out matched the Avengers single-handedly . The Z-Fighters put up a strong battle against Frieza but then he would always one up them and transform revealing a new power level. Frieza out matched the Z-Fighters to the point where the only way to beat him was for Goku to push past his limits. None of the Avengers had to push past their limits to defeat Ultron. All they had to do was show up. It's difficult for me to enjoy and become engaged to see a hero save the day when all they have to do is show up. Villains are tools introduced as characters to give the hero a challenge, evolve, and better themselves. It is such a simple formula where it's difficult to comprehend how many times it's ****ed up.
Speaking of villains, the only one that I consider "weak" from Dragon Ball Z would be Buu. The best moment that Buu brought, for me, is when Vegeta sacrificed himself. Everything else seemed meh. Still enjoyable though. I'm still salty about Ultimate Gohan but he had his moment in the Cell Saga.
Thank you for those words Bane
An ad promoting the manga of Dragon Ball Super:
Again you guys are assuming Stark deserves punishment for his transgressions. I don't recall Hank Pym ever getting punished for creating Ultron. In fact, every comic I've read about it (which admittedly is not all I'm sure), the rest of the Avengers are constantly reassuring Pym that it wasn't his fault because he had good intentions, as did Stark. And his continued hubris as the mad scientist leads to the creation of Vision, who I think will ultimately have more of an impact in a positive way than Ultron did in a negative way. Progress has roadblocks and mistakes happen, so I think the point is more that it is ultimately the right thing to do to pursue your talents and try to make the world a better place as best you know how.
As for the Frankenstein comparisons, that last bit about making the world a better place is key. Dr. Frankenstein really only had his own selfish desire to prove he could do the impossible at heart, not the betterment of the world. Tony Stark is vain, but we already spent 4 films having Stark evolve from a vain jerk who only cared about himself to a vain jerk who has good intentions. We don't need that constantly reharshed we are supposed to now accept his character as having developed to the point of truly caring about his friends and the world, which is why his major transgression was not his pursuit of creating AI, but rather his having hidden his work from his team.
I do wholeheartedly agree though that the father/son aspect was underplayed. To me it's a key component to making Ultron interesting and I wish the movie had focused on it more as it helps to round out Ultron as a somewhat empathetic character. Though in another way, Ultron was too human and anthropomorphized to the point that we didn't really get the whole terminator like theme of the dangers of AI.
Now, while I don't personally care if MCU is being discussed in this thread, I do think the discussion should go to the movie thread just for the sake of livening up the debate, since over there it's pretty ubitiquous praise and while I don't agree with many of the points being made here in the negative, they are mostly good points and I'd like to see them fleshed out more fully in a broader discussion.