Seriously people have such a low capacity for tolerance these days. Talk about whining.
Blood I must admit has a point though in saying some would rather discuss things with familiar names. That is the case for me to an extent. I see you guys' posts a lot and we're all big fans of the same thing here. It's easy to see why some would be curious how such an event film fared among this "demographic", aka dbzfans.
Now I agree, cause this isn't the thread for it, but from what I get as well as expected on a site originally for people who buy 200+$ collectibles a piece for things like this, the native topic is flooded with drooling marvel fanboys who are satisfied with a film if they see Hulk punch enough and stark quip enough. I have not an ounce of desire to take a swim in that cream pool and get blasted in the face by people who don't even get what a term like 'one dimensional character' actually means. (I've been in the moviethreads before and I got more ******** out of it than anything else, notwithstanding there is serious discussion there too.)
Age of Ultron was 90% inconsequential fanservice, that is my main issue with it, but it's the main POSITIVE for a lot of people. Why? Because at the end of the day a lot of people don't (necessarily) want from a movie what I want. I don't needto go there to know that it eventually is gonna boil down to that.
Now I see Goku smirking everywhere so up yours if you think that's not like the character.

(This is meant in good spirit.)