Underneath the toyarc article for this release a user posted that the mexican distributer has been lobbying for years to get a mexican exclusive. Figuarts consistently sells out in mexico for multiple lines. Apparently, they now succeeded. I think this truly is a gift to the mexican market and meant to stay there. Make of that what you will because as Big D said it could very well be mostly just an early acces and we get (nearly) the same sdcc ex, I don't know, but it's pretty clear Mexigoku truly is like a win from the mexican distributers side and meant for mexico. In essence I have zero problem with that, I just think the chose the wrong release to do it with. But found it interesting to read.
Also I've said it since day one I think but I'm anti-knockoffs and pro-rereleases. I wanna see people have the real thing. If you paid a high price before, that's your own risk. That's my opinion. It's less classic collector friendly and more overall aimed at just wanting to see fans get to buy what they want for the normal price it should have. The whole aftermarket as well as the knockoff market can die for all I care, I want the real thing available. However, accepting the reality as it is, I can understand people who buy knockoffs. I myself still wouldn't even if I didn't have the chars I wanted. I like the real thing and the real thing only. This goku sash modification is about as far as I'll go.
I don't need the real thing to be fancy and valuable, I just want my figures legit, untooled, and real spot on the way they are originally made by Tamashii.
There's different stances on this, most of those I respect, a few lesser, but ultimately my only real beef is Tamashii should be clear. Just communicative clarity, I ask for nothing more in terms of morality. The rest is just business.
(@Big D @Crisis iokay thanks for the idea then crisis.
