Hey guys. Need some advice on these figures. I want to get in on this line but not sure whats the best approach. BBTS still has gohan, SS Goku and Piccolo available for preorder. Prices for trunks and vegeta are ridiculous but whats a DBZ collection without those two. I read the last few pages and it seems like they are releasing new trunks and vegeta figures sometime this year. Should I preorder whats available from BBTS and wait for trunks and vegeta to be available eventually?
I recommend Toyz in the Box toy shop

They never failed me once. Their prices are competitively low and shipping is FREE in the US

Also, they have something called an "Early Bird" discounted pre-order special. For example, their pre-order prices are way lower than normal retail price, so if you want to save money, always pre-order from them. Their prices slowly go to normal retail price the nearer an item gets to its official release date. I've saved a lot of money from their heavily discounted pre-orders
Customer service from Toyz in the Box is SUPERB! For example, I once pre-ordered a Lupin the 3rd Revoltech toy from them for around $46 I think. One day, I found an email from them stating that they refunded me a couple of dollars. I asked them why they gave me back some money. They said they lowered the pre-order price for Lupin, so they automatically sent me back the excess payment I gave them

Another example of their awesome customer service was during the time when I received a defected Son Gohan from them (the same thing you're thinking of buying). I wrote to them asking for a replacement, and they gave me one right away
Another good thing about Toyz in the Box is that they usually get their shipment of toys right on schedule. The only time they were late was when there was some kind of port strike in California so the shipment from other countries carrying the toys got delayed. Toyz in the Box is very reliable
Early Bird Special Pre-Order Prices, Very Low Retail Prices (Upon Item's Official Release), FREE SHIPPING in the US, and Extremely Excellent Customer Service makes Toyz in the Box my #1 online toy shop
Anyway as for Trunks and Vegeta, I say just wait for the re-release this December/January because they're way cheaper than the first release. The differences are very minor anyway. I suggest pre-ordering them from Toyz in the Box as soon as they pop up to save some money