1 I don't really consider the word idiot (strong) name calling. It basically is just an impolite way of saying someone made a mistake to me. Idiot is not a strong word and it's not even a curse word, to just focus on that one word and not address anything else I said is a cop out. I think it might be the first and strongest word I've ever used here against someone (at the very least when not responding to someone who started attacking me first) and I've had plenty of pretty heated debates here. What can I say? I'm human too. Sometimes I slip into a bit of impoliteness too. To judge my entire conduct on this forum based on a one time use of the word 'idiot', amongst what are otherwise entirely polite posts is ridiculous and warrants none of your hyperbolic insults. If you judge someone's entire presence that harshly, you better come up with some more than 'He called me an idiot once! [for having said something that is both disrespectful as well as untrue]What a condescending bastard and a pisspoor example of conduct!'. Right...
2 You don't seem to understand why I said it in the first place. I didn't say you were attacking prodigy, you said and I quote: "The one major thing to come out of the creation of Kai was the chance they had to re-dub the series, and stick with a accurate script, and stay with the original score. I'm so glad they treat the series with the respect it deserves, (...)." This directly implies that you think the scorewriters of the faulconer group did NOT give the material the respect it deserves. I think this is objectively not true, and is something that is said by someone who is both biased and mistaken. In the heat of the moment I called you an idiot for it. Boo-hoo. What gut-wrenching personal attack that was. In you're comment you're not just giving an opinion, you're attacking the artistic integrity of the score writers and I took it upon myself to call you out on that in an, indeed, impolite way. Which I extremely rarely resort to and ANYONE following this board can attest to that. Why? Because I felt like it after you just completely slaughtered the score and then proceed to insult the writers themselves. (Regarding the actual script dub, that's a different matter. I can understand one feels it's disrespectful to outright change dialogue while translating.)
Having made myself clear now hopefully, you can either actually reply to the content of my commets. Or you can sit there and moan about the fact that you happened to be that one person who I once caved in my politeness for and called 'an idiot' (for imo a good reason). If you care about conduct and arguments, let's see an actual response with content please, instead of a hyperbolic personal attack.