Do you think collectors would be interested in small diorama style bases? Made for specific scenes in the show? Example street style diorama for 18 vs vegeta or small part of cells ring. What are your opinions on them?
I know I certainly would be! Figma has stuff like that for some of their characters and Tamashii has that type of stuff for Saint Seiya. Jacksdo has us covered in dioramas though but I'd love for some official Tamashii stuff to come out.
They would be custom made. Kind of what frankie does with blast effect but for those types of diorama bases. I am just wondering if i should invest time and money into this as if there is enough demand i will have to start molding etc indtead of doing each one by hand
I think collector's would really dig that type of stuff. For big dioramas, the problem is usually size and cost but for small stages like these, it could go pretty well. Tamashii did unveil that rock stage which is similar to what you're describing. I'd start with some basic ones and then gauge interest from the rest of the community. Some basic stuff like the rock landscape and Namek stuff could work. The street one looks pretty good and I honestly wouldn't have even thought about that one.
Completely agree on practically every point. The movie was good as a comedy more than an action. There was no tension really since it was already established that Whis could turn back time and not for one second did anyone actually believe the Earth and everyone else (including Vegeta) was gone for good. The fight was completely one sided with Goku owning Golden Frieza and Vegeta on the sidelines as backup. Throw in Beerus and Whis for support, Frieza never stood a chance. The power gaps are just too vast between characters now and it's *****king up a lot of the lesser characters. In this new DB, you've gotta be a god to even get on the playing field.
I HATED THE ENDING. Vegeta served no purpose. Like you said, it was bulls*** how Vegeta was seconds away from blasting Frieza to oblivion when all of a sudden Frieza delivers a second long planet bursting attack. All of this just to have a brief "oh no, what happened?" just so Goku could come back and take the glory. Also, they never did have the Sorbet thing at the end. I wonder where that came from?
I never thought about how similar it was to TFS but you brought up a good point. It's very much aware of itself. It pokes fun at itself and while that can be funny, the constant reminder of it especially during what should be dramatic moments just becomes inappropriate. I personally still liked it over BoG since it was funnier and more action packed. I just consider it a fun movie to watch really and I never took it seriously. Plus with DBS retelling everything, it's just another DBZ movie, meaning nothing to the story. I'm excited for the future of Dragon Ball but I'm also worried Toriyama's gonna screw everything up.
**** event exclusives. Doubt I'll ever by another one.Yeah I agree with prodigy. Jesus, I would flip my **** if we have a repeat next year.
Do you think collectors would be interested in small diorama style bases? Made for specific scenes in the show? Example street style diorama for 18 vs vegeta or small part of cells ring. What are your opinions on them?
I want him too but I'd prefer him be a regular release or a Web Exclusive. After this years fiasco, I don't want any new drastic molds.
I made things like this and they drew very minimal interest. I made an arena base, a Namek base, and a desert base, hard plastic with stand peg holes built in. Some people asked about them but wanted them to be redone to be HUGE, like 2 feet longby 12 inches across or more.
EDIT: I also did them in large size and small size, with land and water bases.
By all means, give it a shot, just letting you know how it went when I took a stab at it.
Frankie do you have a link to your bases or pics I can see?
Arena base
Namek base
Wasteland Bases
Water Base