So about this episode:
The animation wasn't nearly as bad as the last one. I've accepted that it's gonna be subpar from now on. The story itself was pretty different from BoG's. I've noticed DBS Beerus is much more of a **** and more evil than BoG Beerus. The way he acted with Vegeta was radically different from the movie. In the movie he was more respectful of Vegeta but in this episode he was a bully, plain and simple. I still hate that Vegeta was so subservient to Beerus. Makes me sick as a Vegeta fan but it's whatever. I know he's doing it to protect Earth so I can let it slide. I much preferred the cooking scene with Vegeta than the dancing one. It was legitimately funny without being embarrassing and degrading for the character. It was also pretty funny how Yamcha almost got Earth destroyed by simply being Yamcha
It's safe to say that the movies were simply outlines for DBS. The movies don't really even matter anymore. I will say that while I didn't mind Beerus before, this new incarnation of him is irritating. He's overly confident and too much of an jerk. I wouldn't care if he died. He's much more of a villain here than he was in the movies. Buu is also much more hot tempered and annoying. Every scene with him has been him just being overly hungry and pouting about it. He's always mad and it's very obnoxious.
One thing that made me REALLY mad was that Bulma's mom had her eyes opened. WTF?!?!?

Also, maybe it was just the translation that I saw but is this for real?
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