So I just saw this chitty touch up paint job done on the new awakening Goku...
Just finished watching the new ep of Super...
The Gotenks action was pretty short lived. I was actually hoping for a longer, more comedic fight between him and Ginyu in Tagoma's body. I think they had the potential to make that scene hilarious but the fight was stopped after one shot. Then Gohan went and got pwned a second time which ended in what appears to have been Piccolo sacrificing himself to save him from Freeza, exactly the same way it happened on Namek. Same pose and all. Did that even happen in the movie? I forget. I just hope they give Vegeta the kill shot on Freeza in the end this time around. Dude deserves his revenge after all the shaft Toriyama gives him.
The show is slightly deviating from the movie so all of the Gotenks/Piccolo/Tagoma stuff are all new. I don't mind how they made Freezer, Tagoma, etc. stronger but damn, give Gohan a fighting chance at least. Even though he hasn't trained, that doesn't mean he should drop to basic Tien/Krillin/Roshi strength. I would've liked to see Gohan & Tagoma/Ginyu go at it for this episode, with Ginyu or whoever barely gaining the upper hand at the end. I dislike how they throw only a couple punches (or in Piccolo's case, just 1 swing) & the fight is over already. It's kinda redundant how it's always "omg we're hopeless without goku"
Still not feeling the shinny clown hair in the Advanced Color Vegeta. But that Awakened Goku looks amazing. Going to wait until it hits in the US before getting it. Hopefully it won't sell out too quickly.
The show is slightly deviating from the movie so all of the Gotenks/Piccolo/Tagoma stuff are all new. I don't mind how they made Freezer, Tagoma, etc. stronger but damn, give Gohan a fighting chance at least. Even though he hasn't trained, that doesn't mean he should drop to basic Tien/Krillin/Roshi strength. I would've liked to see Gohan & Tagoma/Ginyu go at it for this episode, with Ginyu or whoever barely gaining the upper hand at the end. I dislike how they throw only a couple punches (or in Piccolo's case, just 1 swing) & the fight is over already. It's kinda redundant how it's always "omg we're hopeless without goku"
Still not feeling the shinny clown hair in the Advanced Color Vegeta. But that Awakened Goku looks amazing. Going to wait until it hits in the US before getting it. Hopefully it won't sell out too quickly.
And now Gohan. Here we have a character that was being built up in DBZ to take on that role and now he's reduced to the usefulness of the Yamcha. The fact that he said he can't even maintain SSJ anymore...wtf?! At this point in the series SSJ is so basic, it's like breathing. Did Toriyama forget that Gohan mastered maintaining SSJ during training in the HTC when he was only a teenager? Now he can barely do even that? It's utterly ridiculous.
well said. it's just crazy how Gohan was touted as having the highest potential out of every character in DBZ, but these days he's getting KO'd by a couple punches. It's only been like a year since Majin Boo's defeat, and while he wasn't as strong as he was during Cell's defeat, he was still up there & was no weakling by any means. lest we forget that he was trained by GODS as well? sure they're not at the level as Beerus & Whis, but they were still "gods" nonetheless. His Mystic/Ultimate form should be comparable to SSG, perhaps just a couple notches below SSG for obvious reasons, but you get the point. Goten/Trunks are just relegated to comic relief & that's it, i lost all hope for them at this point. Pan will be walking around talking & they're still going to be presented to us as little kids, mark my words
they really dropped the ball on thatI still love everything Dragon Ball, even this new material, but just.. things like this frustrate me sometimes