That's why I'm in favor of a Dragon Ball "reboot" with a more mature and conjoined storyline that aids with that "sense of urgency" that is missing in the series with all the power-up's and easy resurrections. I think a lot of Dragon Ball's fans have grown up and with all the mature and adult-oriented animes on TV, we can "handle" a more mature Dragon Ball. I wrote a synopsis of what I believe would be an awesome Dragon Ball reboot on another forum:
That's all I got so far...I haven't thought much further past the Namek saga.[/I]
I also threw in a "Dragon Ball origin" story
That has cool elements for sure, but I wouldn't want a dbz reboot, retelling, re-whatever. It's a show from my youth and I wanna keep it that way. Concerning the origin of dragonballs... Well wait for what DBS will bring if you haven't read Manga chapter 6...
Overall I think it's good Toriyama (and/or that other writer who actually writes the manga I think) is going into new directions in terms of places and characters. I think the lore expansion is good. Egyption styled cat-gods of destruction? Hell yes. I just find it annoying that DBS is TOO absurd, which trivialises it too much. There's no cool factor left if things get so idiotic. Mostly the God's motivation being food, I mean... Come on.

Can't they actually like have any type of more serious layer to them? Then I'd be fine. The macguffin isn't even funny to me, just dumb. Between the innuendos and martial arts wisdom DB is more adult than DBS. Like, really? It's just too bad. I hope it'll get some edge back down the road. Not getting my hopes up though. But still the most is yet to come so.... Otherwise DB/DBZ is what it is for me, a phenomenon from my youth that I still love. I don't really want anything to mess with that because it's clear that it won't have the same feel as it did back then. New things I'm fine with, or simply unengaged by. And DBS is dangling to the side of unengaged right now for me.
This franchise has a colossal measure of characters etc with untapped potential in a serious sense and they don't seem to ever get that out so. Whatever. I'd like a series set in the future where Trunks and Goten are the main characters, that's a bit more serious, and their fathers are like galactic legends that pop up or need to be found or whatever. Goten would be what most gohan fans wanted gohan to be and Trunks fans will get a slightly tweaked future Trunks back. That's a series I'd want.A next gen that is about as serious as in between Namek and Android saga, two teens with legends as fathers that are busy with **** on galactic scale. I guess later on Pan would join them so we finally have a female fighter. (Rather than the stupid DBGT.) Powerlevels would shift a bit back to T&G's level, Piccolo could tag along a few times. But when they finally reach their fathers, they have become mother****in epic gods and they have to get themselves up to that level too or something. Something like that would be great for me.
Granted, to a partial extent DBS could still do this. Just ****ing, god, dial back the absurd idiocy a bit. Even a bunny mobster is less ridiculous than Gods fighting over pudding.
Get me
Tien, a different adult
gohan, buu era
vegeta, kid
buu and ssj 3
goku and I am done. I think we can forget about bojack Trunks now. Oh yeah and if they release Blood's muse I'll buy that too. And maybe battle damaged releases.
Great picture Havok!