I just finish my new display, i like to share some pictures
God... that's going to be amazing and HUGE. Is this going to be primarily for pics or do you use it as a display? I have no idea how you'd even have the room for that best. *******.
@TJ Duckett i'm going to steal some of your character poses and @Owen I'm going to borrow some of your ideas for that amazing display
What you guys gonna do about it? Nothing
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**Shrugs** I'm sure not going to do jack crap soooooooo.... I'm ok with this.
@TJ Duckett, your photos are wonderful, as always. The poses are dynamic and the sense of scale and depth you create is most impressive. But you should reevaluate how you speak to people online. Whenever you come here you cause drama. Honestly, your photographs aren't worth it. My unsolicited advice is consider reevaluating how you speak to people on this forum and how you interpret what others say. Believe me, I have years of pissing off people on the internet under my belt. I know how it is.
Honestly; I shouldn't be expected to give photo lessons just because I post photos... period. I don't mind helping, but if being told no gets people in a tizzy, then it's not anything I'm going to lose sleep over... it "sucks" and isn't preferred but I'm not going to act like a sycophant just to avoid it.
Me saying no to something isn't "starting drama." The weirdest part is that someone getting a very simple, non-disrespectful response and blowing it into a name calling rant is just ignored and passed on... Honestly, getting that bothered over something so trivial is ridiculous and I still took the high road because all of that back-and-forth isn't worth it.
Nah, he was streaming at the time and had the chat audio playing. I saw the stream archive myself, but he deleted it since. He wasn't talking **** at all, he was just laughing when you were mashing ultra during his attempted combos. But you were raging and getting pissed when he was landing ultras in jump ins saying "****ING AGAIN". Then he just laughed when you mashed again, you got pissed and bailed just from him laughing. Then you guys exchange messenger text, he texted "lol, whatever" then you went on a short tirade and blocked him from replying loool. You don't sound like a guy that "just wants to have fun" at a "game" or on this board.
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- So, then you saw me win and him try to giggle it off like a school girl to be diminished. And it's even better because he was using one of the best characters in the game (I actually main Poison) vs. me using one of the worst (Hugo) - L... M... A... O. And after the end, I believe it was "TEE HEE HEE DAT ONLINE ULTRA." - eeeeeeefff that.
- Yes, I got frustrated with myseld for jumping into the same thing repeatedly. I will continue to get frustrated when I make the same mistakes repeatedly whether it be this game or anything else in life.
- Yes, I play for fun. Yes I am competitive.
None of these concepts are hard for anyone above 5 years old yet you just wrote an elongated post to try to twist things into the following exposed agenda:
Oh, and while im at it, is there really a need to harass TJ on stuff that has literally nothing to do with this board BeeVee? You seem to be on some kind of agenda to get to him since he didnt want to show his setup, which tbh he really doesnt have to do for anyone.
I will be honest, the amount of nastiness on this board is reaching unacceptable levels and its really starting to annoy me. Seems we cant start any discussion without someone starting an argument or trolling you for trying.
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Honestly, this BeeVee guy seems to be a stalker to the fullest. It's actually sad. I'm not here much, but does he bring up ANY conversation other than this craziness when I post?
Oh, and BeeVee - Stop talking to me on here. You haven't said one relevant thing about anything since I've seen you posting here.
It's actually odd why Trunks got the anime color treatment from the get go. Judging by all their other releases he should've been manga from the start. Then they would've released an SDCC repaint and so on. I'm glad they provided us with a non con exclusive anime accurate Trunks though. Wish they would've kept the same color scheme for every other release...
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Vegeta has yet to get a manga-type coloring as well, right?
Here is a picture. I don't know if any of you guys are into A.C.B.A. but it was done particularly for that group:
Here's the B-side