@Hyd for me it's four-fold:
- Aesthetic: I find the simple design, emphasizing only his feet, fists and if ssj, his hair, combined with a sleeveless shirt to be the most agressive outfit in the entirety of DBZ. Which befits Vegeta.
- Practicality: I truly do not see the point of armor ever since the Namek saga. ****ing yajirobe slashed through it with a katana, however special that sword might be (idk). Armor at DBZ levels is pointless and it always seemed to be mostly just pride and culture that kept vegeta wearing it.
- Character Development: sadly debunked by both the tournament forbidding armor and vegetas return to armor in dbs, I still loved the idea the Vegeta literally and figuratively shed his armor in the era where he fully embraced being a good guy: he became an earthling, truly, in the buu era. Apart from ssj3 the only truly memorable part of that story for me.
- Emotion and nostalgia. The look simply remains, even with said debunked interpretation, his most Z-fighterish look. AS WELL as the look in which he broke free of evil permanently. (Yes DBS, you twats, I said permanently). Lastly: this veheta is one of the very few figures I owned as a kid.
I totally get having a completely different opinion. But because I tend to harp on about it, here's a genuine explanation of my fandom anyway.