Seriously guys, are those of you who "like" Cells colors really not going to complain and at least try and get it fixed to be accurate like Coolers amazing picture?
I will say this now, this will become the new ssj3 laughing stock figure if we dont try to do something about it and I guarantee you will all regret leaving it as it is.
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@Ang No, true, they don't promise that. But straying so far away from the thing the majority of consumers care about is questionable when not designated as a variant. It's rather falsely hope-inducing (yet again tamashii), especially when the other two PCE's didn't stray this far by a long shot. Both could even be argued as improvements. This is variant, straight up. Great for everyone who likes it, but this is something that nearly nobody asked for. No they didn't promise anything, nor do they owe us anything. Doesn't make it any less stupid to not give the majority of consumers what they were hoping for, based on a precedent by tamashii themselves.
Tamashii remains completely unpredictable, even in consumer friendlyness. You get two pce's for highly wanted figures, both great and well within the lines of arguable coloring etc. And then they throw this thing out. It's dumb and disappointing, simple as that. Everyone who happens to like it is just lucky.
(Yes, I will drop it now.)
A large enough amount of collectors/consumers demanded reissues of previous web exclusives where Tamashii Nations decided to supply them with a product that didn't go against their policy and differed from the original release. So "straying so far away" is an overstatement when you take into consideration that the target market for the Premium Color releases are those collectors/consumers.
How do you not consider Premium Color Super Saiyan Vegeta and Future Trunks as variants? Future Trunks' jacket was a different color, that I don't believe is either Manga or Anime, and had filled-in pupils. Super Saiyan Vegeta paint applications were from a completely different Saga than the original release. (Edited: Completely forgot about the different paint application to the Super Saiyan hair that a lot of people complained about.) A variant is "a form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard." Both Super Saiyan Vegeta and Future Trunks fit that description whether it's a minor or massive difference from the original release. Premium Color Perfect Cell prototype is absolutely no different.
How is this "something that nearly nobody asked for" when the same group that I mentioned at first were demanding it and collectors are already saying they're going to purchase it?
I think I found an accurate Shenron going through France Japan Expo photos...
If I could literally give you a hug I would, I swear some people complain just because they can. I guess I am one of the lucky ones because I don't mind the color. I plan on picking one up due to the fact that my original one's joints are extremely weak, and if they at least fix that issue, then this rendition is worth a purchase. The vibrant color scheme is just icing on the cake for me.
^It's funny what lighting can do because the green looks a bit lighter on Cell there.
Still gonna get him either way.
Btw Ang, just to answer your question, PCE Vegeta was fine because he was accurate to BoG, PCE Trunks was fine because he was accurate to being lit up by aura, which they were promoting with them. Cell has no such explanation, its just off. Edit, scratch that Trunks explanation, he is accurate to Kai:
Nah thats the Trunks body with Awakening Goku promo shot on top, as much as I would love a ROSAT training Goku and Gohan to go with it [emoji14]So I just saw this on Instagram.... real or nah?
View attachment 275469
The hair definitely looks new...
Sorry, I misread your post then man. I thought you were asking where the PCE colors originated from on those two. You are right about Trunks, its just that, as we know, Tamashii finds a single scene and takes inspiration from it, and honestly I can find nowhere for that Cells color scheme.You'll have to remind me what question that answer is referring to, Deano. Given by your answer, I don't remember questioning where they were from. I even stated in my post that Super Saiyan Vegeta was from a different Saga. Future Trunks' jacket has many different colors in Dragon Ball Kai, apparently. The photo you found and then this is a screenshot from the episode where he and Goku powered up and also an eyecatcher...
Anyway, enough about Cell, lets discuss that amazing Gohan!
If I could literally give you a hug I would, I swear some people complain just because they can. I guess I am one of the lucky ones because I don't mind the color. I plan on picking one up due to the fact that my original one's joints are extremely weak, and if they at least fix that issue, then this rendition is worth a purchase. The vibrant color scheme is just icing on the cake for me.
Sorry, I misread your post then man. I thought you were asking where the PCE colors originated from on those two. You are right about Trunks, its just that, as we know, Tamashii finds a single scene and takes inspiration from it, and honestly I can find nowhere for that Cells color scheme.
Believe me, ive been trying to find a way to justify it to myself and its just not there [emoji14]
Anyway, enough about Cell, lets discuss that amazing Gohan!
I think a Figuarts ZERO version of that Gohan would've turned out a lot better, and i dont even collect the zeros