Here's Adam answering some questions about more female SH Figuarts DBZ characters, the PCE's, 2.0 versions, that SSJ Trunks head with the crazy hair they never released at 2016 SDCC. Starts around 13:30
Adam is a good dude and extremely patient with the fans as he does tons of interviews as he has become the "guy" when it comes to talking about Tamashii Nations at SDCC.
However, I don't know how much "influence" he has with product decisions and such. His LinkedIn profile says he's in the Collector Toy Dept. in Bandai but we don't have much clue of his actual role. I think he mostly just lets the main Bandai office know all the feedback he's hearing from the West and ultimately it's others making the final calls. I hope he's able to play a bigger role as time goes on because he really listens to us back here in the States.
Is the kid goku figure coming out anytime soon or was it cancelled?
Is the kid goku figure coming out anytime soon or was it cancelled?
I hope it is Yamcha or Ten. Probably not.
i would like it see freeza 2.0 and/or 100%
i would like it see freeza 2.0 and/or 100%
Put the Super Saiyan Goku Figure-rise Standard model kit together. It was a lot of fun. Really adds that extra depth to the articulation and design of the figure.